Saturday, September 08, 2012

I DO listen to Country Music, but ...

The last time I left the pups home alone, while I went shopping, I left he Country music channel on by accident.
That's what I found when I got back. ;o)

Denny - August

August 2012-basement playground
Can dogs cry? I think I saw tears in their eyes. Normally they watch the Space channel. I promise to not do this again, guys!
By the way, it looks like Fall is just around the corner!

September 6-Fall is right around the corner

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!


  1. Oh my dear, poor pups. They even didn't come to greet you...

  2. Poor guys, if it's any consolation, Wookie doesn't much care for the Country station either!

  3. What a hoot!! Can you imagine what they would be like if you left Heavy Metal Rock on the radio? I love Denny's total relaxation! Milo does that all the time which is an invitation to rub his belly.

  4. I'm so glad you're back!

  5. I'd look like that if you left me home with the country music channel on, too. I'd rather see Space! lol

  6. Oh my gosh, this post made me laugh! Those pictures of your dogs are hilarious. Perhaps the country music rendered them comatose. :-)

  7. So cute.
    Very happy you are back blogging. I enjoy it very much. Even though Happys sleeping facing was very sweet, it is fun to see them in action (and of course your knitting projects).
    Welcome back! :-)

  8. Hilarious! Love the upside down pup, looks like he was trying to be all emo.

  9. It's all the terribly sad stories in the songs. No wonder they look a bit depressed. I like how the White ones stick together, or did Denny steal the chair?? A tiny bit of Autumn there!!
