Friday, May 25, 2012

Handspun Friday - Downton

Today's yarn is made from Greenwood Fiberworks fiber club May 2012, and some SCF Fiber Club February 2012 semi solids "Citrus Splash".

SCF-Fiber Club-February 2012-Citrus Splash-organic merino wool top-110gr
The bases are Polwarth and organic Merino (semi solids). I should have spun up the semi solids in mini skeins (each color is 1oz), and knit some colorwork, but it's too late now.

Greenwoodfiberworks-fiber club-May2012-Polwart-4oz-Downton & SCF semi solids-2

I made a true 3ply yarn, 407yds, 6oz.
Greenwoodfiberworks-fiber club May 2012-Downton-407yds-3ply

Greenwoodfiberworks-fiber club May 2012-Downton-407yds-3ply

It's quite soft, and squishy. I made a swatch, to see how it would knit up. I like it. I still don't know what I'll knit with it eventually.
Greenwoodfiberworks-fiber club May 2012-Downton-407yds-3ply-swatch-4mm needles-30stitches

I'm not going to wish you a wonderful weekend just yet, because I'll be back tomorrow with a special post. :o)

Until then, be well.

♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Beautiful yarn from beautiful fibers :)

  2. Lovely work! Everything you make comes out so beautifully!

  3. I love the colour combination. Very pretty.

  4. But where did the green fiber go?

    Anyway, lovely spinning.
