Sunday, March 18, 2012

1000 posts!

Wow, how did I get here? This is my 1000 blog post!
Let me take this opportunity to say THANK YOU! to all my readers, and lurkers. :o) I wouldn't be here without your feedback, which is important to me. Otherwise I would feel silly doing this.

Anyway, here's some funny clip to cheer you up (if needed). Of course, the star of the movie is Denny. Maggie was not sure she should join in on the fun, (and Happy was in Lalaland, Frisbee on head, you know.)

By the way, the other day, he must have thought he'd died, and gone to heaven. He found half a pork chop in the front yard. Left there by whom? Do squirrels eat meat? The biggest wonder was, that he gave it up, when I asked him to! The following days, he went straight back to the spot, checking if he'd get lucky again.



  1. Congrats! They are adorable!

  2. Congrats on 1000 posts! I just played your video and now my dogs are all barking at the window. They are just sure those dog noises must have come from outside. LOL

  3. Half a pork chop?? Man, I don't think I'd give it up if you told me to, but then, I'm on a diet...

    Congrats on your 1000th!

  4. Congrats on your 1000th post!

    Half a pork chop. Someone must be hungry.

  5. Happy 1000!! Thanks for sharing your beautiful work, and of course the adorable pups!!

  6. Congrats! I came for the knitting and stayed for the dogs ;) (well and the knitting too lol)

  7. Herzliche Gratulation! Da hast Du viele Wörter geschrieben bis hierhin!

    Hundis: Da nützt die grösste Mühe nichts! Brüderlein ist am kämpfen und hat nur das im Sinn! Ach sind die süss die beiden!

    Grüsse aus der CH, Hanne.

  8. 1000 post? wowza - you have sticktoitiveness!!!
    Love your posts all the way back...

  9. Congratulations, Monika! Yours in one of the first blogs are started reading back in '06. Still love your knitting and your pups. Denny is the clown!

  10. Awesome, your 1,000 post! Wow, ever wonder how you a)find the time or b) have enough to share? You do wonderful, I love checking your blog for my latest Happy, Denny, Maggie fix and your luscious knits! Thank you so much for sharing them.

  11. Congrats on the posts! It's been fun watching your crafting all this time. Looks like Maggie wanted in on the fun but couldn't figure out how to join in.

  12. Too funny! I love how Denny seems to be actually swallowing the hose! And sweet Happy with her frisbee is such a dear. Happy 1000 posts! samm

  13. Congratulation on reaching the 1000 mark - einfach toll!
    I really enjoy your posts, especially when there are some pix or stories about the Vierbeiners, and am looking forward to the next 1000 - nur weiter so :)

  14. Happy 1000 posts!

    I have really enjoyed your blog, especially seeing the escapades of the dogs and the wonderful colors of your projects.

  15. Happy 1000 and thank you! Keep it going because I need your inspiration, motivation and humor to get through my day.

  16. Happy 1000th post!! I always enjoy reading your posts about The Dogs, knitting, cooking, spinning, your renovations, your life in general!! Denny is s star but Maggie is a great co-star. I am sad Happy was in LaLa Frisbee land and couldn't make it to the filming!! Pork chop?? Denny was such a good boy to give it up!!
