Friday, February 17, 2012

Handspun Friday - second batch of Falkland semi solids

This is so much fun! Although I did ply all of them in one day, which did not agree with my neck and shoulders. I had to take off a few days from spinning, but now I've started in on the next batch of seven colors.
I'm loving this so much!

FCK semi solids-second batch
The colors from left to right:
Specter, Magenta, Pale Aqua, Old Brick, Cobalt, Carnation & Clover.
Except for Old Brick I can't say which one is my favorite of these colors. I love them all, well Carnation is a little too pink for me too. I do, however, love how Old Brick looks next to Pale Aqua. I'm planning on spinning some Falkland for another blanket, and dyeing it Pale Aqua for thte main color. I have finished handspun yarn as the second color in my stash. Can't wait to get started on that one.

FatCatKnits semi solids-second batch of seven

They are all chain plied, and average 127yds per skein (2oz).

FatCatKnits semi solids-second batch of seven

The next seven colors are already missing in this photo.

FatCatKnits semi solids-second batch of seven

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!



  1. Beautiful! Have a wonderful weekend :D

  2. Every time I see those shelves full of lovely fibre I smile to myself. I just love to see how you are progressing with spinning these all up - I just wish I was as fast at spinning myself - I'm a bit on the slow side! :)

  3. The colours are so lovely and even prettier when they are all wound up in a skein. My favourite, of course, is the Clover!!

  4. Lovely, I think the green, pink, and blue look nice together. . . but then I like my bright colors! :)

  5. You are an amazing spinner! I would love to sneek a few tops from that cupboard!! (Just kidding)

  6. I love your pictures! And I admire your spinning perseverance. My poor lonely wheel is sitting neglected in a corner of my family room at the moment.

  7. You have spun some gorgeous yarns. This is going to be a beautiful blanket.

  8. Lovely. They take up so much less room as spun wool
