Friday, December 30, 2011

Last post of the year!

Mish-mash of things. I wanted to show you my new favorite veggies, which I made for Christmas Eve dinner - Brussel sprouts, baked in the oven, with bacon bits, and Parmesan on top!

delicious Christmas Eve dinner

Mmmmm! I could eat those as meal, with nothing else. :o)

I've also got my prize, from Carol Feller author of "Contemporary Irish Knits", which I won with your help, and my Dangan shawl.

Hedgehog Fibers

It's two skeins of lovely Merino/Silk Singles from Hedgehog Fibers. And all those cute little things. The sheep made me laugh, so fitting. And although it's not true, I wont knit for coffee, I'd do it for tea.
This is my last pair of socks this year. It's made with Wandering Cat Yarns Alley Cat, colorway Painted Desert. I wanted to knit something mindless, and let the yarn do the talking. Didn't take time to block them, just steamed them. They went right on my feet after that.

Painted Desert socks

pair # 18 are some every day socks for DD Hannah. She picked the yarn from my stash. It's Opal, and I've had it for quite a while. It was no fun knitting with this yarn. I didn't like it, how it looked in the ball, but knit up was O.K. The bad thing was, that it had coarse fiber sticking out throughout. I've never had that with commercial yarn before. It felt so rough. I couldn't get them off my needles fast enough.
Hannah's every day socks finished

My sister sent this bandana for Christmas. I've put it on Denny first, but he was rolling on the floor, to get it off. He hates things around his neck, unless it's the collar, when we go for a walk (and as soon as we are home, he's rolling on the floor ....). Happy was unhappy wearing it too, but was graciously letting me take a picture first, before I took it off.

Happy with his new bandana

There's nothing better than licking snow from a coat hanger. Who knew? Maggie and Denny are of one mind on this one.
snow tastes especially good licked from  a coat hanger

Tulips in December! What a lovely sight. My son brought them home to decorate the Dining room for Christmas Eve dinner. There were white ones too.
tulips in December

A lot of fiber I'm looking forward to spinning in the new year. Those are FatCatKnits 2oz bundles in over 50 semi solid colors.

FCK semi solids on Falkland put away

Oh, and of course for all the Denny lovers out there: He's most comfortable out in the cold, chewing a stick, like it's the coziest thing to do.

Dec. 28-afternoon

He also likes to fish for ice in the bucket, funny to watch, but boy that must be cold!

I also have new snow boots, since the old ones, which I had at least seven years, where totally destroyed by Denny last winter. I love them!
Dec. 28-afternoon


Well, that's it for this year's blogging.
Hopefully I'll be seeing you here next year!

Have a Happy New Year!



  1. Liebe Monika!

    Auch ich wünsche dir einen schönen Jahreswechsel! Ich freue mich schon auf deine Einträge im 2012!
    So oft haben mich deine "Boys" zum lachen und lächeln gebracht - ich möchte es nicht missen!
    Und ebenso oft haben mich deine Strick- und Spinnkünste in Entzückung gebracht ...
    Mach weiter so - ich freu mich!

    Liebe Grüsse - ZiZi

  2. Nice socks! And so much semi-solid roving to spin! Can't wait to see what you are going to do with that!
    Looking forward to read your blog next year. Yours, Julia

  3. Happy New Year 2012! I follow your blog, i like it.

  4. Can you tell me what kind of dress form you have? I love it!

  5. Happy New Year, Monika, to you, your family and the pups! I really enjoyed this post, as I do all your posts. May 2012 bring you lot of fiber and knitting and joy!

  6. Thanks for sharing all your wonderful spinning and knitting and puppies this last year. It's been a pleasure and an inspiration. May the coming year find you healthy, happy and fiberly satisfied.
    Happy New Year.
    Rebecca and Peggy

  7. Happy New Year! Nice fiber to look forward to spinning.

  8. Happy New Year Monika! Hope 2012 is a fantastic year for you. With all that roving it will certainly be colourful :)

  9. Happy New Year to Happy, Denny, Maggie and you! I've really enjoyed sharing in your stories this last year.

  10. There is a lot of variety on this post: food, socks, spinning, flowers, dogs, boots! Seems like you are keeping busy! Happy New Year and I will make sure to be back for more reading in 2012! Lovely little socks!

  11. Ich wünsche Dir einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr :-)
    Das Spinnfutter geht ja wohl auch 2012 noch nicht aus *gg*

    Grüßle, die Bea

  12. I am so going to make those brussel sprouts this weekend. It will be my first time trying them since I was young. It has been a wonderful year reading your posts and seeing the pups. Of course I am one of the Denny-lovers ( I know it is that thing for bad boys).
    Happy New years to you and yours Monika!

  13. Denny must be too determined to let something like a little cold get to him!

  14. Love! the Hedgehog - I bet you're glad that one got into your stash before the stash-down!

    The desert socks look awesome too.

    Happy New Year and I'm looking forward to seeing what you make in the New Year!

  15. The merino/silk yarn just glows! So pretty. The brussels sprouts look yummy. Nobody but me will eat them so I don't cook them but that recipe is tempting. I wouldn't knit for coffee either but I like tea too. Denny 'bobbing for ice' is hilarious! Happy New Year, Monika!

  16. Happy New Year! See you in 2012!

  17. wow you have so much pretty fiber, I can't wait to see what you spin with it! happy new year =)

  18. Happy, Happy New Year!

    Love all the pictures. And the one of your fiber stash totally made my little heart clench with jealousy for a minute there... and I don't even spin. :)

  19. Happy New Year and best wishes for 2012!! Denny caught a big piece of ice and he and Maggie are so funny- who knew ice on a coat hanger was so good?? happy is a very well behaved and fashionable boy. Nice socks, sorry the second pair were scratchy. I love your unit full of wool!!!

  20. Happy New Year, Monika! I wish you, your family and the pups the very best for 2012.

    I've been inspired by your work for 12 months and I'm looking forward to being inspired for the next 12. Thank you for that.

    (Now if I could just be inspired AND knit something, that would be wonderful).

  21. Happy New Year!

    My dogs are still ripped off -- no snow here yet, it rained New Years Eve here, and it's supposed to rain tomorrow, too.

  22. It's hard to believe we are starting a new year already! You and your friends look like you are off to a great start!

    happy new year :)

  23. That's my favorite vegetable dish as well! Yum. And so easy.

    Your pups are just so flipping adorable. SNORGLE.
