Friday, August 12, 2011

Handspun Friday - Tentrils & Charred

Yesterday morning, after the pups had their breakfast, I made myself some banana oatmeal and the usual tea, and enjoyed it out on the deck. The temperatures have come down a bit, and it's lovely to sit in the morning sun for a while.

August 11-breakfast-banana oatmeal & tea

It's so annoying when all the bananas are ripe at the same time, and I have to come up with ways to eat them before they are too mushy. The other day I made a banana sauce, to go with banana pan cakes. I don't know if anybody had made that before, but here it is, and I'm telling you because it tasted so good! But it's to be eaten right away, as you know all the banana stuff gets brown fast. So, I threw a banana in the blender, added a splash of Maple Syrup, a splash of whip cream, and a handful of mixed, salted nuts, and gave it a good blend. It was thick, creamy and delicious on the pan cakes.
Anyway, every time I try and watch my weight, I love to cook, and experiment in the kitchen. :o)

August 11-early morning
While I had breakfast, the pups watched the neighbor watering her plants.

Today's handspun yarn was made with Southern Cross Fiber fiber club April 2011, Jacobs Humbug fiber in the colorways Tentrils and Charred. It's been done for quite a while now. This is not soft fiber, but even though it was dyed, it still was wonderfully easy to spin. David has a soft touch with his fiber, and it makes it a pleasure to spin all the time.

Here's Charred:
SCF-Fiber Club April 2011-Mixed Jacob Wool Top-110gr-Charred

Charred -2ply-375yd

SCF-April 2011 Fiber Club- Tendrils & Charred, Jacobs

And here's Tentrils:
SCF-Fiber Club April 2011-Mixed Jacob Wool Top-110gr-Tendrils

SCF-April 2011 Fiber Club- Tendrils & Charred, Jacobs

SCF-April 2011 Fiber Club- Tendrils & Charred
For now, they are marinating in the handspun bin, until I know what to do with them. Too bad the Jacobs fiber is so scratchy, and hairy.
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!


  1. Ich hätte da noch ein sehr leckeres Rezept für einen Bananenkuchen ... :-)

  2. Those pups are so nosy! I started freezing sliced bananas and then blending them with cocoa powder and a splash of milk to get an ice cream texture. Very yummy.

  3. The colours are lovely, I like the blue/grey/brown colourway in particular. My mother used to spin and I recently came across a large ball of brown un-dyed hand spun in her old work-basket. It was hard and coarse, I wonder if it was Jacob and whether it will soften with washing.

  4. I love those doggy bum pics! I peel and freeze my ripe bananas for fruit smoothies. They give the smoothies a creamy consistency. Lovely spinning, of course!

  5. Both fibers are really gorgeous!

    I love the dog photos. So cute. :)

  6. Bananas are my favorite fruit and I'd eat one after another if the consequences weren't so dire! LOL

    I'm just losing the callous on my thumb from all the spinning I did. How do you keep going?!

  7. Bananas are like gold here. Did you know you can just freeze them in their skins and then use them for cooking at a later date when you defrost them?? Yum, bananas and maple syrup!! I love porridge!!
    We have Dog TV at our house too, our neighbour gardens for their watching pleasure!! They are very intent!!

  8. The three amigos crack me up! Your oatmeal looks delish!

  9. I never used to buy more than one or two bananas at a time because they all ripened at the same time.

    Then I discovered Sadie's passionate love for bananas. Now I buy them a bunch at a time and if they get too ripe for me I slice them into Sadie's food.

  10. Can't tell which is more enticing, your recipe for banana sauce or the lovely spun yarns. Cheers!

  11. I'll have to try that banana sauce tonight-practically a whole bunch of bananas ripened overnight (it feels like) and I've got stale french bread soaking in an egg mix right now.

    The dogs are fascinated by the watering! You'd think no one else has ever done it in the history of Dogdom. They're so cute.
