Friday, April 01, 2011

Handspun Friday - Spring Birch

I'm a little late posting today, but there is a reason why. We have Jamie back, the guy who built our new kitchen, to replace a panel, which has severe cracks in it (the panel where the oven, and the microwave is in). It's supposed to take four hours, I hope not.

This weeks handspun yarn is no surprise, concerning the fiber to yarn look.

Spincerely Yours-4oz-50sw merino 50 tencel-from destash-Spring Birch

It looks pretty much the same.
Spincerely Yours, merino/tencel
I was hoping to spin this thin, and get at least 400yds, but it was not to be. This is 50% Merino/50% Tencel fiber, and was very slippery to spin. So I only got 341yds, 2-ply. Sigh. I bought this fiber from somebody's destash. I spun this back in February.

Spincerely Yours, Merino/tencel

This is what I got done in March:
March handspun yarn

Can you find Happy in this picture? He's in his hide-out.
Can you find Happy in this picture?

And just because he's so cute when he's sleeping:
tired Happy

I wish you all a wonderful weekend!


  1. awww Happy hehehe
    That yarn is yummy! Do you have a project in mindÉ

  2. Beautiful yarn spun in March. I love that lime green one.

    Your pups are so sweet as ever!

  3. Your march progress looks so great. I especially love the one in the middle next to the dark clay colored one. :) Do the dogs each have their own couch? LOL

  4. oh i especially like the blu yarn on top of your march-mountain. what is it?

  5. Such a lovely heap of yarns!!

  6. That yarn is beautiful! You could pair it with something and make a nice shawl.
    Happy is too funny and cute!

  7. The merino/tencel yarn is stunning! Well worth the spinning effort.

  8. Happy is such a cutie pie. That's a nice pile of spinning you have. I really really really need to pull out my wheel!

  9. They are cute when they're sleeping.
    Little devils.

  10. You have done so much spinning.
    I see Happy, peepo!! He is so cute when he's asleep, and so is Denny.
    I hope your panel is all fixed now??

  11. I love your dogs--they are so beautiful!!!

  12. Wow! Talk about spinning straw into gold!

    How could anyone miss those Happy ears? He could never hide! LOL!

    There is nothing sweeter than a sleeping dog. Thanks for sharing!

  13. Your spinning is lovely :) The tencel is a bit tricky, but it has a wonderful shine in the end!

  14. Looks like Rapunzel's hair - beautiful!

  15. Gorgeous handspun.

  16. Wow. That tencel fiber is so cool looking!

    And love the ears poking over the edge of the couch. So cute.
