Monday, February 28, 2011

Just another Monday ...

February 27-sunny Sunday morning-14

Yesterday morning we woke up to a Winter Wonderland, just the way I like it! Fresh snow, sunshine, and not too cold. The pups liked it too.

February 27-sunny Sunday morning-5

They've been busy eating ice clumps, like it's the best candy on earth.

February 27-sunny Sunday morning-13

February 27-sunny Sunday morning-12

I've spun a little this month: my February spinning:

February spinning

And Maggie says Hi too:
Jan. 30

These photos were taken January 30th, she's grown a little into her sheepish face, and bat ears by now. It's not easy to get a sharp photo of her, she's always on the move. Like here: headless Maggie:


She looks so cute in this picture, it's quite deceiving. We call her Miss Thatcher, guess why?

Jan. 30

BTW - I have not forgotten about the Reindling recipe. I'll get to it soon, I promise. I'm supposed to bake one today, but I've got a major headache, so I don't think I will.



  1. Hey ho, those boys have a great time eating snow!!! It's the right sort of weather for ice eating!!
    Maggie is just the cutest thing, and so speedy. I don;t know why you call her that?? Is she an Iron Lady or is she not for turning??? Is she in charge of everyone??I just think she's lovely.
    Glad you have had time to do some spinning.

  2. Hi Monika,
    Deine Garnauswahl ist doch immer wieder exquisit :). Ich muss doch irgendwann mal bei Dir im Shop schauen.

    Was mich bei den Doggies begeistert, sind Maggies grosse Ohren. Die kleine Dame ist ein richtiger Herzensschmeichler. Hoffentlich schaut sie sich nicht zuviel Blödsinn von den Jungs ab.

    Sei lieb gegrüsst

  3. We got 3 feet on the Ridge with another 15 cms expected today.

  4. I just love those great big ears!

    We're supposed to get an inch of snow this afternoon, but then it's going to change to heavy rains, so it will be gone by morning. Doesn't seem like it now since it's -14C, but by tonight it's supposed to be +6C!

  5. No snow here, just lots and lots of rain.

    Maggie is so darned cute!

    And your spinning is amazing.

  6. meine Güte, dieses Augen-Nase-Foto ist ja göttlich!! grosse Ohren mag ich auch!!

    Danke fürs unermüdliche Zeigen von diesen tollen Fotos!

  7. You can have all of the snow here if you want it. I'm so ready for a dry, snow-free lawn!

  8. Your spinning is always so beautifully even and colourful

  9. Wow! Snow again and here it's in the 80's. As always love the spinning wrap up and the boys and girl.

  10. Your handspun is beautiful! Thanks for stopping by to comment on my blog. Your Venus of Willendorf avatar is the bomb.

  11. I woke up to pouring rain this morning - amazing the weather difference between us - we're less than 2 hours apart! Suppose to get cold again though. I'm ready for spring!

  12. Gosh, you have more snow? Its cold here and we even saw sun the other day! Love the dogs as ever. :)

  13. Those Maggie eyes are heartmelting. Lucky you got snow - we had tornadoes and flooding. Eek!
