Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Moving back in!

Slowly but surely the boxes full of our belongings are making it back into our house. First things first though, which means my fiber and yarn stash is coming home first. :o) I'm reluctant to put everything back as it was before, it was too stuffed, I don't want that again. So some things will stay in storage for a while longer, until really needed.
The kitchen is still waiting to be finished. I refuse to use it, until it's fully done. No word on when that will be. :o( Getting angry does not speed things up.
Look how the shade in the next photo makes the shelves seem gray, but they are creamy white.
left side shelves empty with Lola
So, now that we've been back in our bedrooms for a while now, I'm starting to get the living/craft room together. I'm using the old book shelves to fill them with yarn and fiber, and my knitting/crafts books. I've just started, and what FUN that is!
right side shelfes
The yarn has to stay in the shelves in two rows, so you only see the front row in some of the photos. I've filled them up more, since I took this picture. We will still rearrange the shelves on the left side of the room, once I get my new craft table assembled, and I still need to figure out where to put my desk.
We had an exhausting trip to IKEA today. I used to like going there, but not so much anymore. I didn't find everything I needed, but I found these new green plates.
new plates with pups
The pups are on their way outside.

We found a work table there, it's actually a conference table, but exactly what I was looking for. No luck with a desk though, and nothing for the hallway, where we want to put the keys and stuff once we come inside. One has to be very careful not to get lost in that store, and buy accessories, which are so neat, but not needed. Oh, and I almost forgot! We did find a kitchen island, which is basically a base cabinet, with a wooden counter top, and four drawers. My son is going to paint it white though, only the counter top will be wood. We were talking that we should have bought a kitchen at IKEA, they had so many beautiful ones in the show rooms. I don't know about the quality though, but I liked several kitchens they had.
There's so much to do right now, I don't have much time to play with my fibers. In the evenings I'm too tired to enjoy knitting, or spinning, although I manage to knit a few rounds on my latest pair of socks every day. I'm also, once again, terrible behind in answering my emails, so please forgive me, I'll get to them asap.
Nov. 9-Happy
Fall is beautiful this year. We've enjoyed sunny days, around 10C highs during the day. I'm happy to be back on normal time.
Denny never liked to be picked up, but it's necessary for him to tolerate it, for future Vet visits etc. So my son lifts him up every day, and if Denny does not growl, he gets a treat from me. In the photo you see him waiting for it eagerly. He's pretty good with it now, and rarely growls under his breath anymore.
Nov. 5-Denny riding the shoulder-2-2
He's 8 1/2 month now, and it feels like we've been living with him for 8 years! He's a pup with lots of personality. You can't leave him alone for even a second. Generally though it's become easier, although I doubt that he'll ever stop liking anything fabric. Anyway, I better get my knitting out. I'm done for today, so I can put up my feet now, and knit a little.


  1. Look at that yarn..
    Look at that wonderful shelving.
    Look at all the spaces for new yarn.

    I so need one of these badly.
    Nice job

  2. That shelf of yarn makes me sigh with such contentment. I hope the end of all this upheaval comes sooner than later... you deserve to play with all that lovely yarn!

  3. I have been reading your reno posts with great interest! I LOVE that shade of green on your wall! And I am officially deeply envious of your shelving with ample room for your yarns! GORGEOUS! Wonderful wonderful wonderful!

  4. I *Heart* those green walls and floor combo soooo much!
    Did I mention I'm coming over to play in your stash??? That's going to be a wonderful room to play in!
    Sweet shot of Denny!

  5. I think Maggie and Denny would make a great couple -- a great pair of troublemakers!

    I went to my mother's for a very short time tonight and forgot to put away the lemon buns I bought at the bakery today. There were three left, and needless to say when I got home there was the empty styrofoam plate and bag on the floor. I'm sure Maggie was the thief who stole it off of the counter, but I'm sure Jewel helped her eat her them! I can't leave anything on the table or countertops, everything has to be in the fridge, microwave, or cupboards!! They don't steal when we're home, but watch out when we leave.

  6. The craft room is coming along nicely. I love the green and white combo.

  7. Your renovations are stunning! Lovely craft room for you to really enjoy yourself ~ and you have such a wonderful stash to inspire you :)))) PS Do you ever worry about moths and what do you do to repel them (if anything).

    Denny and Simcha are definitely cut from the same cloth. We've never had a dog that growls so much and it's such an ominous sound ~ fortunately it's generally not directed at us ;)

  8. It all looks so fresh and new.
    Which of course was the point!
    Beautiful beautiful.
    Lucky lucky!
    Love that pup.

  9. hat's a beautiful green and I am green with envy looking at your fabulous storage cube thingies!!
    I can see the boys going out the door!!
    Happy looks very glad to be outside and Denny has the face of an angel. I am glad he is learning to be such a good boy: butter wouldn't melt in his mouth. Where does all the time go?? he was a puppy just yesterday.

  10. Hallo ohh wie schön das wird. Und auch ein Wolregal einfach super toll. Ganz a liebs Grüessli marlies

  11. Was für eine hinreißende Wandfarbe! Sag mal, hast Du das Platzdeckchen auf dem Tisch auch selbst gemacht? Vielleicht kannst Du mir sagen, wo ich für so etwas ein Muster finde? Ich drücke Dir mal die Daumen, daß Deine Küche bald fertig wird. Weißt Du schon, welches Festmahl Du zuerst kochen wirst? :-)Grüße aus DResden von Heike

  12. Dieser Gruenton zu dem Holzfussboden sieht einfach grandios aus!

    Und auch ich beneide Dich natuerlich um das Vergnuegen, Deine Garnvorraete in das tolle Regal einordnen zu koennen.

    Liebe Gruesse

    von Birgit

  13. I love your craft room! I think you will spend many happy hours in there! I wish I had so much room for my fibers and yarns.
    Denny looks very cute!

  14. i love the green walls! gorgeous!

  15. I wish I have the space in my house to put shelves full of yarn too, It's very cute.

  16. Die Wandfarbe ist ja wohl der Hammer! Und das Einräumen der Wollschätze ist einfach ein Vergnügen in so einer schönen Umgebung.

    LG Eva

  17. Everything looks wonderful. Isn't it fun getting re-acquainted with your stash and organizing it.

  18. Oh my goodness - I am so envious of your amazing storage shelves - and I LOVE the green walls - your home just beautiful!

  19. You're making me jealous to get moved into my own new craft room. Have fun opening up the boxes and finding all of your stash!

  20. It must be so nice to be getting things back in order. Love the pics of the boys - Denny's spotted paws just kill me!

  21. Love that green....

  22. Love the green of the walls! The orange mat on the table is nice too :)

    I love how Denny's paws are speckled.

  23. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that color green on the walls! Wow.

    I also love the cubby holes for yarn. Gorgeous.

  24. Oh my gosh, your place is fabulous!

    Happy birthday!
