Monday, September 13, 2010

Take a hike!

I LOVE fall! I know it's not quite Fall yet, but summer is as good as over. The temperatures proof it! So Friday, we went to the park, but only to have lunch there. Before that we discovered a nice trail, which goes alongside the shallow East Holland River. The trail is called Nokiidaa trail. It's 35km long, stretching from Aurora to Holland Landing, but we only walked a short distance. We'll definitely will go back there, better prepared.
September 10

Even a rusty bridge can be beautiful! Too bad there was a tractor tire in the river. Way in the back there were hundreds of ducks.

September 10

Look at this perfectly behaved puppy! It was a pleasure to walk him. All this was accomplished by putting on the Barkbuster collar we got for Happy. I just had to put it on, and he was a changed dog. I don't even had to correct him. (After taking the collar off, he's the same old, wild Denny boy as ever.)

September 10
It was pretty hard for Denny to walk nicely, since I think it was the first time we went on a trail with him. So many smells, and sounds. Can you see he's getting cocky again? (tail up) There were many people with dogs, cyclists, people just walking. It could have been perfect, if it were not for all the dog poop left and right. NOBODY is picking up after their dogs, it looks like! DS stepped into a big heap, which he thinks must have come from a Great Dane. That's really too bad.

September 10
Happy was the leader, because whenever he had to walk behind me and Denny he was a whiny wreck.

September 10

I didn't get a good shot of the ducks. It was amazing to see so many of them.

September 10
Sitting still for a photo, when he'd rather chased the cyclists, other dogs, or the ducks. Anything, but sitting still, but he did it!
Unfortunately my camera batteries dyed, after this photo.
I can't wait to get back there!


  1. Are you sure that's Denny?? It can't be!! What a good boy he is, he's so clever. If I was Happy, I'd whine if I couldn't be first too. I love Happy's sitting pose and I love the way Denny looks up at you!! Good job everyone.
    The landscape is looking a bit autumnal, and the track is so pretty.

  2. I've got to get one of those collars for my dogs. Jewel isn't so bad when walking, she just has to stop every five seconds and sniff things, but Maggie is torture. She's a bit better if it's just here, but if I've got both dogs Maggie is just so silly it's torture to walk them.

    Just two weeks ago it was +35C here feeling like +42C with the humidity, now it's about +16C. What a difference.

  3. Sounds wonderful! I love the crisp in the air. When I read your posts and how good you are with and to your pups, I think of the huge Siberian Husky next to us. A 19 year old boy owns him and poor Si stays chained to his dog house on a short chain. I've lived her a year and have yet to see the boy walk the dog or let him loose to play with him. Real pity.

  4. Mmm. I loved walking with my dogs in the woods. It looks like you all had a lovely time.

  5. Trail walking is the one time I give Nimitz a little bit of freedom. After being in a city for so long I want him to enjoy the nature. That's too bad about the poop. I found some on out walk this weekend but not too much since there were trash cans all over. It's so selfish of people to not pick up since it really affects the experience others have on the trail.

  6. I'm with you, I love days like this. This is my time of year. I better go walk the Ladydog.

  7. Your camera couldn't take Denny's sacrifice of sitting still? lol.

    Happy looks so happy. He should be lead dog, he's the Big Brother. Even if whining is how he got the post.

    Such a beautiful trail!

  8. I love fall too but I wish it would stop raining! There is mud everywhere and the farmers can't get the combines into the fields to harvest whatever crop managed to grow this wet year.

    The dogs look like they're really enjoying the cooler weather there.

  9. What lovely pictures! The scenery is great andthe walking trail looks lovely in this weather, but imagine it in winter, too.

    Your pups look like angels for the walk. Oh, if only they would stay picture perfect, eh?

  10. Thank you for sharing your lovely walk with us! Such a beautiful place. I agree, there is a tinge of Fall to the air. Always by September 1st you can feel it and that makes me very happy.

  11. Sieht ja wundervoll aus die Gegend. Bei uns im Wald lassen die Leute auch alles liegen, was der Hund so fallen lässt. Allerdings weniger auf den Wegen... die Hund laufen ins Unterholz. Bei uns im Stadtwald dürfen sie ohne Leine laufen.

    Deine neue gesponnene Farbkombi finde ich ausgesprochen klasse.

    LG Susi

  12. Glad you had such a nice day with your boys :)

  13. Hiking with dogs is so much fun - glad Denny had a good time and was well behaved. Love the pictures!

  14. Wow, Denny is so big now! And what a fun hike!

    I hate it when people don't pick up after their dogs, though... it makes all other dog owners look bad!
