Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Water babies!

June 6-1

Well I guess I've pushed Denny in one time too many. He might have though, "what the heck", since he's got to swim anyway, he can decide for himself when's the right time, and apparently it's always. You can't get him out of the water anymore. He swims from toy to toy, but comes out without any of them.

June 6-2

The little water rat can't leave Happy alone, even in the water!

June 6-3

Poor Happy, there goes his one place where he could relax for a little.

It's incredible hot today, as was yesterday, and will be tomorrow. We watered our lawn/garden at 5:30AM today, because we didn't get to do it last night. I was up at 4AM since Denny barfed several times, and I was wide awake by then. He eats lots of crap when we are outside, I'm just hoping it wont be stones.
Happy didn't like to be disturbed so early, and went into the bathroom (to hide) have his peace, until it was over.
How do you deal with this broiling heat? I'm just glad we have A/C and electricity to use it!


Oh and my second installment of Year of Lace: June 2010 came in todays mail, looky here:

Year of Lace-June 2010-Abigail by JC Briar-785yds Blue Moon Fiber Arts-Geisha-mohair-mulberry silk-nylon

The pattern is called Abigail by JC Briar. The yarn is my first Blue Moon Fiber Arts - Geisha - a mohair/mulberry silk/nylon blend. The color is not what I would have chosen, but it's nice to touch. I don't like rectangular shawls/stoles much, we'll see if/when I'll get to it. Or I could just use the yarn for something else.
So far I'm not especially wowed by the installments, just hope the next two will blow me away!



  1. It's cold, 47 here, and raining. The mountain passes have had to close because of snow!!! Love to see the water babies!

  2. Whose lace club is that? I did embrace the lace last year and opted not to do it again this year, so I'm just curious...

    Love those water babies!

  3. I agree, I'm not über-wowed by the YOL either... I don't think I'll make the first pattern, I might even try to swap the yarn :(

  4. I think it's a Canadian thing where the weather is a hot topic. We've been getting really nice weather here in Edmonton. Sunny during the day, and rain in the evening. Monika I've got the same thing going on in my house. My DS kitty Monty is not giving my senior girl cats any peace. They have to go outside to get some relief from his boundless energy. Also, anything you knit, even if it's in pink is always going to look great!

  5. Water rat! ahahahah perfect!
    Poor Happy, he needs to learn how to cannon ball and blow the little rat right out of the water heheh
    Its nice they can get cooled off.

  6. So glad the puppies are in the water!

    And yeah, I'm not loving that YOL pattern either. It's ok. I do like the yarn color though.

  7. You could coach for the Olympics!!! Look at those pups swim. Poor Happy, at least he has the bathroom!! It's 10*C inside my house and you can't see a thing outside for the fog. That yarn looks so pretty, I hope you are blown away soon too!!!!
    PS The Labradors would love a big pool, Happy and Denny are sooooo lucky!!

  8. We have a very old in ground pool - lined with vinyl, so our job is to keep the dogs OUT!
    Love the new hot pink yarn and your Prairie Rose shawl a few posts down is gorgeous!

  9. I too love the yarn. Pink is my colour. But I can't decide on a shawl. I'm fairly certain I wouldn't get use out of it, but some sure look good.

  10. The yarn looks soft and lovely and so does the shawl. If it's not too bright, it'll make a lovely shawl.

    I wish I was swimming in your pool today! It was 82 degrees at 7a and it went up to 102 by the time I left work. Yikes!

  11. YAY, doggies!!! Love the swimming pictures! I've been up since 2am with Wilbur - doggie diarrhea, ugh. He's sleeping now, and I have a headache.

    I like the YOL pattern, but could that yarn be just a tad pinker???

    And I want to go live where momsue84 lives. It's going to be near 100 in Ohio today, and I'm a delicate woodland flower (with a headache...).
