Wednesday, July 28, 2010

No knitting to see, move along now ....

I did knit yesterday, but I ripped it out three times, and still got stuck at row 9 of the test knit. I shot off an email to Alexandra, and this morning, after reading her instructions, and giving it another try, I found out that I made the same mistake 3 times. Does that tell you how TIRED I was, but I was so knitting deprived, I really wanted to knit some.
Next time I'll sleep over it, before I cry for help. So, since it's only about 15 rows in now, there's no photo of it yet. But ...

Here's the boys. Before Denny is a grown up, I wanted to show you these pictures:
May 8

May 12

May 8

I took those photos early May.
This week it looks like Happy has decided to NOT take all the crap anymore, Denny is dishing out. It's funny to see how fast Denny backs off, when Happy means business. He should have done so from the start.
Today we are taking the day off. We've got some errands to run, and later in the afternoon, we'll be picking up Hannah from the airport.
We, meaning my son, and his friend, moved the heavy furniture into the garage yesterday.

(How do you spot a true dog lover? My sons friend had a piece of my berries cake during a break, and Denny was a bad boy, jumping up and licking the piece, before the friend even took a bite. He just removed the edge, where Denny's tongue has been, and ate the rest of the cake. :o) )

Pictures are still on the walls, tennis balls, which were under the sofas, and lots of other chew toys are sprinkled all over the house. The dogs have a field day with all the indoor space to run around right now. There's no comfortable place anymore. I've still got my bed in my bedroom, it's funny how all, more or less, empty rooms have an echo now. I'll be sleeping two more nights in my bed, then I'll have to move downstairs. We've got confirmation of the construction crew arriving on Tuesday morning.
We've still got the kitchen to pack up, and little things all over the house, but we'll get that done with at least Monday to spare. I hope Hannah will help, so it will all go faster.
The air in the walk-out basement is a lot fresher now, since we've got a dehumidifier, and an air purifier running non stop for a week now. I've got to empty the dehumidifier three times a day, which is kind of disgusting.
Well, I'm off to do some errands, and hopefully get some knitting done on my test knit shawl, without making stupid mistakes!


  1. As always i love the pups pictures, in the last post i found denny really big, even with a different expression.

    I hate when i really want to do something but my brain seems not to be working with me. I keep some easy projects for that occasions, those projects where you just have to do straigth gather stitch.


  2. OMG, those pictures of the pups are just adorable!!!! Sometimes I wish Milo had a pal, but he just doesn't like being around other dogs. Go figure. I can imagine how glad you will be when all the construction is done. Wow, what a renovation!

  3. Oh Monika!
    Ich habe so gelacht, als ich diese Fotos sah! Die beiden sind so richtig goldig! Vielen Dank für´s Zeigen.
    Herzliche Grüße

  4. A test knit in the middle of all that chaos? I suppose it will force you to take your mind off the construction.

  5. I have to say that reading about you making mistakes in your knitting makes me feel much better about my own. :)

    Those pictures of the dogs are so sweet. What cuties. I'm glad Happy isn't taking Denny's crap any more.

  6. I love pictures of dogs cuddling together. I think this means that Happy is now seeing Denny as a grown up dog, not a puppy to be tolerated. Good luck with the rest of the work - sleep and knit well.

  7. A true, TRUE dog lover wouldn't have even broken off the bit that Denny licked. :)

  8. Your cake story reminds me of eating at a dog show. Usually the shows are in buildings on fairgrounds which also become barns at some point in the year. Usually the food choices are the same as greasy rink food like burgers and hot dogs. People stop for lunch whenever they can fit it in between taking dogs in the ring. Although the eating area is usually roped off from the rest of the kennel area the reality is that the dogs are only a few feet away while we eat and there's usually a garbage can nearby that smells, um, fragrant, shall we say.

    One time I got my food at the counter, looked at it while I was waiting for my change, and told the concession person that I'd like to return it because there was a dog hair on it. After the total double-take from the person, I burst out laughing and took my food to my table. Small things amuse me.

    Great dog pictures! So sweet.

  9. Glad Happy is putting the boots to Denny's sheninagans. If that was our cake it would just be eaten licks and all :) Good luck with the knitting!

  10. Love, love, LOVE the pics of the boys snuggling. I wish the cats would do that!
    Here's to construction being swift and painless!

  11. i've always had the thought that Happy really is alpha and he was just letting Denny do his thing before telling him the way the house runs...

    i've done the knit, rip, repeat too many times.

  12. Ich verfolge Deinen Blog jetzt seit einer ganzen Weile über meinen RSS Reader und freue mich immer schon auf neue Bilder von den Hunden! Ich bin von den beiden ganz hingerissen, aber die Bilder von heute sind so Klasse, daß ich nun doch mal ein paar Zeilen hier hinterlasse. Ich bin ganz von den Socken, daß Du das mit der tollen gestrickten Venus von Willendorf bist! Vor einer Weile hatte ich Dich mal um das Muster gebeten, falls Du Dich erinnerst. Der Zusammenhang mit der "Hunde-Bloggerin" war mir völlig entgangen. Ganz herzliche Grüße aus Dresden/Deutschland und bitte immer so schöne Happy/Denny-Fotos.

  13. Oh Happy and Denny looks so cute together and Denny is so small!!! Happy must really like his new brother.
    Hurray for Happy, I knew he would be Top Dog!!
    Oh no, I am sure you will conquer your knitting foe!!!
    Good luck with the packing and renovations!!!

  14. Dogs are adorable. I'm really thinking about another, but I'm not sure yet. I keep hoping someone will leave one on my doorstep. Hope the renos move quickly

  15. Simply adorable pups you have. I will be checking in again to visit your fun blog.

  16. Ach ich bin immer wieder hin und weg, wenn ich die beiden Süßen sehe. Die beiden sind richtige Brüder geworden. Ich finde es wirklich klasse.

    LG Susi

  17. How cute they cuddle together ! :)

  18. I used to have two cats that cuddled like that. Too cute! I've scrolled down through several of your posts catching up. LOVE all the pup pictures. That Denny is a mess! Both pups are so cute. Love your handspun. Beautiful colors!

  19. Happy is a lot like Nimitz where he takes a lot from other dogs before finally deciding where to set the line and making sure that it isn't crossed again. Good luck with the rest of your moving. I also have an air purifier and dehumidifier running in my part of the basement pretty much non-stop!

  20. Happy gave up waiting for Denny to grow up, eh? They're both so cute.

    Remodeling, joy! it'll be worth it. Eventually. :)

  21. Oh, gosh...puppy belly alert!!! LOL!
    I love nothing more than watching a dog (or cat) peacefully sleeping.

    I went through the same knitting issues yesterday. Started a new hat design, ripped it out twice. My brain was just mush. Won't have time to get back to it till at least Sunday.

  22. I guess I'm a true dog lover!!! I've been known to do that myself ;)

    Interesting. Happy put his foot down ~ good for him. But these pictures.... so precious. Happy is a very tolerant and loving big brother.

  23. I agree, when I was younger, I would always let the dogs or cats take a couple licks off my ice cream. After all, we are all family, right? :)
