Friday, July 09, 2010

Handspun Friday - The Dreaming

They say today was the last day of the heatwave we are having. I sure hope so. Rain would be nice too. But it's definitely good weather for drying handspun yarn! I finished three colorways today. I'll show you one of them today.

June 8-drying new yarn

This is The Thylacine Club Fiber, June 2010, Shetland/Alpaca blend. It's a little hairy, and it had a lot of guard hair to be picked out. I didn't get it all, but most of it. This was a rather rough blend. It was my last club fiber, and the first I've spun from this club.
The Thylacine FC June'10-70 Shetland 30 Alpaca- 200g-The Dreaming

I've only used 3.5oz for this. I wanted to see how it turned out first. Seeing it like that, I must say I like it.
The Thylacine FC June'10-70 Shetland 30 Alpaca- 100g-The Dreaming-3.5oz-249yds-3

It's ~ 249yds, navajo plied yarn, probably good enough for some socks.
The Thylacine FC June'10-70 Shetland 30 Alpaca- 100g-The Dreaming-3.5oz-249yds-2

We've had fun with the pups. Happy loves to swim now, going in to get out all the toys, for me to throw them in again. Here he's with his Wubba, which both of them like.
July 3

July 3

Denny is always looking for something to munch on, foraging through the garden. I called him, and he looked at me, but did not come. I only wanted his attention, and I got it.


  1. Ooh, love love love that yarn. It's so pretty!

    And the dogs look adorable, as always.

  2. Beautiful yarn! Denny looks like he's just about to get in trouble...uh-oh...can't let mom see me. LOL!

  3. Wubba, Wubba! is a call to play in our house. Which reminds me... we need another one. The purple one is rather destroyed.

    BEAUTIFUL handspun. I'm in love with Navajo plying!

  4. We are in for a wet weeking here's hoping you are too!

  5. Beautiful handspun!I love the lavender color.

  6. I love the way you're using your new patio furniture ;-)I am so jealous of the pups, even they can swim! I have serious water phobia and no one wants to instruct or train me, am capable of droning in 6 inches of water you know. The kid pool is all I can handle! LOL!

  7. I'm glad the humidity is leaving too, but it was definitely not fun working in the rain today. Our Lady wore out her Wubu, we just have the ball from the inside left.
    The purple handspun is lovely, still envious here.

  8. Is it Friday already - I need another day this week - LOL Your spinning is AMAZING and I can't wait to see what you make!!!!

    Happy looks, in a word, happy. Love to see the boys having fun outside!

  9. I really love the colors in your latest spinning!

    Keep an eye on Denny around rocks. Just sayin'.

  10. I really like your drying rack.

    Happy is so cute and so big now!

    Does Denny like vegetables?

  11. Beautiful yarn!

    We are getting rain today finally - hope you get some too!

  12. Finally caught up with your blog and found lovely handspun! I am really enjoying spinning lately, and its great drying weather here too. I hope the dogs are keeping cool.
