Thursday, April 01, 2010

April's Fools Day- Beware

It's not even 8AM, and I've been made April's Fool TWICE already! I'm just too trusting. Some people are evil! :o)



  1. Oh no!!! We have had some good ones in the past: digital time and left handed Mars Bars. Nothing really exiting this year though.

  2. I got my kids already. Hee, hee!

  3. i almost got taken in by the knitter's review newsletter. i blame the early morning lack of coffee.

  4. People usually know better than to pull a prank on me early in the morning ... or the joke might be on them. LOL

    Here's hoping the pranksters have moved on to their next victim! :)

  5. I am so not a fan of April Fools Day. Luckily my husband knows this and only tried to pass himself off as pregnant this morning. Good luck getting through the rest of your day!
