Crochet is evil, I tell you, especially if you are on a crochet marathon, like I was. I know I told you it would be a long term project, I'm talking about my Giant Granny Square blanket, but it was so much fun, I could not put it aside. Around, and around I went, feverish like, until my fingers in the left hand felt numb and tingly. I ignored it, just shook out my hand several times, until the tingling was gone. A week later, my hand thought to step it up a notch, since this crafter ignores warning signs. So there was pain. Pain I've never felt before, or so I though. After a few days, I remembered feeling that pain many years ago, don't even know what I did then, but I remembered the pain.
Of course it was not obvious to me right away, what the cause was, but it dawned on me after some pondering that it must have been the crocheting, combined with a lot of spinning, that did me in.
It's not even the wrist that hurts, it's the thumb, and the index finger mainly. Did I mention this sucks?
I was doing the wise thing and decided to give them a rest for the weekend, and I did no crafting until 9PM last night. Then I could not take it anymore, and grabbed my Chevron Love mittens and knit away happily for about 15 minutes! After that I had to stop at once. Well ....
I will give my fingers some more rest, but threaten with a visit to the doctor if they wont heal fast!
I still have my sewing machine. Just have to dust it off ....
.... but I don't want to sew .... I want to knit .... I want to spin .... AND I WANT TO FINISH MY GIANT GRANNY SQUARE ....
Good thing I still have some FO's from 2009 up my sleeve, otherwise this blog could get even more boring. And so this will not be a post without any pictures, I'll leave you with some doggy pictures, from snowier times (Jan.20 to be exact)
Happy in January!
PS I banged my hand while vacuuming this morning, the pain brought tears to my eyes. I've taken pain killers now.
PPS Biko has a Vet appointment on Thursday. She gave us a scare on Saturday. Will tell more as soon as I know more.
Oh no! I think you should go get a massage or something, and put down the evil crochet hook.
ReplyDeleteI had this problem last year when I was knitting with cotton yarn. It caused so many hand problems (dry skin, tired muscles, etc) that I vowed to give it up.
Anyway, I hope you and your puppy feel better very soon.
Oh you poor thing. I agree with Virginia about the massage. I had a masseuse cure carpal tunnel on me years ago and it's never flared up again.
ReplyDeleteDon't know how you feel about medicine but a good anti-inflammatory (like Advil) will probably help as well.
I've heard some very good old wives tales about soaking your hands in epsom salts, but frankly, giving up the crochet sounds like a better cure!
ReplyDeleteHappy sewing - just for the time being.
In the weekend we visiting our summerhouse and the roads was pure eis!! I am the one walking the dog - and my hand (and but) was hurting. Safely home now.
ReplyDeleteJust telling, that you are not alone. Hope you are well soon.
Gitte from Denmark
I know ALL TOO WELL where you're coming from in the pain department! I suffer severe tennis elbow in the right arm when knitting...sounds crazy I know, and wrist, thumb and forefinger pain when crocheting-especially with cotton. I did a lot of the cotton crochet through the summer. Lots of stinky warming rubs like Ben Gay, Icy Hot and popping Motrin like M&Ms were my best friends during that time. It's a tough thing to deal with, but like my doc told me; It sux gettin' old!
ReplyDeleteBest of luck with recuperating. Taking a long break from it all is really the best medicine and then easing back into it a little at a time. It seems to work for me. I hope you find something that works for you :0)
I hope your Biko baby is OK!
Hallo Monika,
ReplyDeleteLass das Strickzeug und Häkelzeug und das Spinnrad in Ruhe, bis es wieder völlig in Ordnung ist.
Und geh zum Arzt.
Besorgte Grüße
die Bea
Sali Monika
ReplyDeleteAlles verstehe ich zwar nicht ... aber ich denke auch, dass du die Strick- und Häckelnadeln mal etwas ruhen lassen solltest ...
Ich schick dir ganz liebe Genesungswünsche und viel Geduld!
Liebe Grüsse - ZiZi
Ugh - I hope you feel better soon. And I hope Biko is okay too!
ReplyDeleteohhhh monika! Rest it rest it rest it. Hoping the pain eases up for you and you really should give it a week or so! Not what you wanted to hear I know.
ReplyDeleteLife sucks sometimes! B6-vitamin is also good for carpal tunnel.
ReplyDeleteYou are so right, that sucks! I know the feeling, had to learn knitting all over (I now do it the continental way)because of a problem in my shoulder. So frustrating! Hope you will feel better soon!
ReplyDeleteBe gentle with your hand. How tragic if it became permanent! Can you get one of those gloves that hug your hand and are supposed to help prevent cramping? I've had various hand/wrist issues so I feel your pain. Crochet seems to really make it worse which is why I don't have it as a primary craft.
ReplyDeleteI hope Biko is alright. It's amazing how scared they can get us!
I agree that it sounds like carpal tunnel. Too much knitting will do it to me. You really have to rest it or it won't go away. Try ice and heat and see which works better. Also, I bought a hand splint that helps me a lot. I got it at WalMart or Shoppers Drug Mart. It's rigid from the base of the finger and over the wrist, with a thumb hole. There are velcro straps to adjust it. It keeps the wrist in a neutral position. The tag inside says Wellgate Products. It's much better than the elastic ones.
ReplyDeleteYou're buggered that's all I can say.
ReplyDeleteThat truly does suck ,hope you heal quickly !
ReplyDeleteKeeping fingers crossed that there's nothing seriously nwrong with Biko ...
I hope your hand feels better soon. Does a hot pack/hot water bottle ease it at all? I sometimes have to do that after Christmas Eve knitting.
ReplyDeleteSorry about your crochet injury. Those repetitive movements sneak up on you and then sink their fangs in.
ReplyDeleteI hope Biko is doing good.
I sure know how you feel - I was out of knitting commission for months! (I try to remember that the pain is trying to tell me something - listen to it - and stop for awhile - I let mine go too far before stopping and you know how that went)
ReplyDeleteYour poor hand, I hope it recovers quickly. So you can make your giant granny square.
ReplyDeleteThe Labradors wend special tail wags to Biko. Love the dogs frolicking in the snow!!!
I hope you feel better soon. Take care.
ReplyDeleteoh, you poor thing!
ReplyDeletehandpain does suck!
try Anica cream, or Traumeel!!!
Arnica is especially useful.
recently i discovered
Voltaren gel, it also helps.
i think all of these creams are available now in a drugstore.
gute Besserung!
Crochet is very hard on my hands and arms too. I do it in small bits of time. Good thing I'm mainly a knitter.
ReplyDeleteHope your hand will get better soon. And I hope Biko is alright.
ReplyDeleteAs you have so many remedies already listed won't add on to them. Would simply wish all of you will get well soon. Do take care. Much love.
ReplyDeleteOh, Monika! I know how that feels. I've been there done that, when I would be racing to finish a project and over doing it.
ReplyDeleteTry ice water soaks or ice packs. Check out JoshuaTucker on Ravelry. He has some awesome advice about this. It works...REALLY!
Feel Better soon.
That does suck! Maybe tuck that blanket away for a few months and work with some very fine lace weight yarns until you are good and healed up....
ReplyDeleteOh, I do hope Biko is fine. Let us know what you find out.
Oh Monika, that's not good news, wishing you a speedy recovery and lot's of patience, also all the best for Biko!!
ReplyDeleteNow a somewhat selfish comment - maybe we will get more doggie pictures - sure love to see and read about them - as my mother always said - there is nothing so bad that there is not also some good coming out of it :)
Once you can get back to crocheting again, be sure to use only the newer crochet hooks with the thicker handles, like for example the Clover ones, they are easier on the hands!
Baldige Besserung wünscht herzlichst,
Hope your hand gets better soon - I cannot imagine life without stitching or knitting every day. Rest your hand for a few days and hopefully the pain will subside.
ReplyDeleteDoggies look as though they are having lots of fun
My heart goes out to you! Big time!!! Poor poor you!!!
ReplyDeleteWhen I teach crochet I spend an awful lot of time on posture and also the importance of good tools. I always use the Clover Soft Touch hooks as they are ergonomically sound. But, one cannot, even with the best of posture, avoid repetitive strain injury if one insists on continuing... ;-)
How my heart goes out to you!!! Real big time!
Take it easy on yourself, Monika! Coincidentally, I'm having the crochet-hand blues too. Rest, massage and anti-inflammatory meds is my prescription.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry to hear about your pain. It can happen so easily to us obsessed crafters. As a massage therapist, I do recommend finding someone who specializes or is willing to work with you on your hands, arms, shoulders and neck. Often times, hand pain can be caused by impingement from above. As far as home remedies are concerned a few have been mentioned that I will reiterate... 15 minute warm epson salt soaks twice a day for your hands, arnica gels or creams are great, and there are a number of vitamin supplements that could do you good as well. Lastly and most importantly is stretching. As with any exercise or repetitive motion, stretching is key to keeping the muscles from shortening and causing trouble for the joints. If you google "forearm stretches" you will find a number of suitable resources or if you end up hooking up with a therapist, they may have some good ones for your too. Best of luck!!!!
ReplyDeleteNo scaring your Mom, Biko!
ReplyDeleteWrap your wrist, it'll help.
oh the frustration of pain! i have returned from prague with a broken wrist, sooo cross, fed up and frustrated