Thursday, January 21, 2010

Meida's mittens

O.K. these mittens are way overdue. I knit them back in October 2009!
I'm not happy with them. They turned out too big even for my hands. After I knit the first mitten, I washed it and blocked it, and realized that the red yarn bled into the white - I hate that!
The second mitten was not washed but steam blocked, much better.
As I was knitting Cat Bordhi's socks from her new book at that time, I thought I'd try the leg opening she uses, for the thumb here! What was I thinking? It worked, but it looks dump, even though the hands fit nicely into the mitten and thumb that way. Well, it was worth a try.

Even with decreases after the thumb opening (I could tell they were going to be huge), they turned out too big. I can't shrink them with washing, since it's sw sock yarn I used.

finished Meida's mittens

finished Meida's mittens

I do like the color work on the cuff, even though I screwed up the first one, due to not looking closely at the chart. Noticed when knitting the second one.

finished Meida's mittens

pattern: Nancy Bush's Meida's mittens
yarn: various sock yarns left overs
needles: 2.25mm
size: large womens
mods: as described above
start-finish: October 28-31, 2009

GGS-40inches and growing-with Happy

I'm still enjoying working on my Giant Granny square. It's past 40 inches now. I'll go until I run out of yarn, or reach 70 inches (or more, up to 78" would be O.K.). Happy thinks it's boring to crochet round, and round, and round ....

Happy after a hard days work

And here he is, after a hard day of work. Look what he did to his pillow. I disturbed him in his sleep, cuddling his sheep toy (which has a very long tail, so he can throw it through the air).


  1. Despite the issues you have with the mittens I think they're beautiful ! Love your colour choices .

    Happy is looking so grown up , what a life !

  2. die sind ja schön geworden, der bunte Bund gefällt mir sehr.
    viele Grüße Elfi

  3. Hast Du nicht jemand, dem Du die Fäustlinge schenken kannst? Sind ja doch recht schön.

    LG Susi

  4. They may be too big but they still look great.
    Happy is such a handsome fellow!

  5. Disappointing but they look so pretty.
    I love that Happy sleeps with his sheepy toy!! Beds and pillows always need rearranging, he's so clever to do that!!!

  6. People learn the most from their mistakes, right? They mittens look nice even with all the problems you had. Happy has such a tough job!

  7. Whenever mine turn out too big, I just give them to Dave :-)
    They are absolutely beautiful Monika!

  8. I, personally, will never understand the ways of dogs. Happy's pillow is like that probably just because he likes it that way.

    Meanwhile, your blanked is so vibrant and lovely that I'm tempted to pick up a crochet hook.

    OK, not really, but your blanket is still lovely!

  9. I agree with everyone else, I think your mittens look great!

    The colorwork is really beautiful.

  10. the granny square looks great on the couch!

    and the mitts- they're awesome. who needs mitts that fit anyway??? :)

  11. The mittens are beautiful! Too bad they're too big.

    Was Happy digging the bed to make it softer? Mine all seem to need to do that to all bedding including the carpet.

  12. the colorwork looks great! I think they look perfect. everybody will be looking at the colors and not the thumbs ;)
    crocheting in the round is Relaxing, not boring!
    give puppy boy snuggles from me

  13. Die Norwegerbordüre ist echt schön. Wenn du derart unglücklich bist mit dem großen Daumen, meinst du nicht, es lohnt sich, nochmal zurückzuribbeln?
    Oder, wenns keine Superwash-Wolle ist, vielleicht lässt sich der vordere Teil des Handschuhs auch ein wenig kleiner filzen? Das müsstest du natürlich von Hand machen, da der Schaft offenbar recht gut passt.

    Liebe Grüße, die Bea

  14. They are beautiful even thoigh they turned out too big!

    Have a great weekend :)

  15. Wenn die Größe der Handschuhe so gar nicht geht, ich würde nochmal stricken. Ich finde das traumhafte Muster und Farbzusammenspiel am Bund verdient es gezeigt zu werden.Vielleicht hast Du ja die Lust und Energie dazu.
    Herzliche Grüße,

  16. I LOVE them!
    They are soooo perfect!
    I wish I would have patience to knit fairisle in more than 2 colors =P

  17. But those mittens are so cute and they go with your granny square so well.
