Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Happy - 14 weeks old - 33.7lbs

Happy 14 weeks-1- 33.7 lbs
Who are you, and why are you wearing my colors???

Happy 14 weeks-2- 33.7lbs
... until we meet again ...



  1. How fast dogs grow!! Nice to see you use an harnas for Happy. I have to warn you with red: after Ysja took a swim her neck turned pink!

    I love your blanket in the last post. The picture is great!!

    You asked me about Casper having to bike 12 km to school every day. It is very common in The Netherlands teenagers bike to school. We have no schoolbus so if they don't go by bike they go by (public) bus or parents have to bring them by car. But if the weather is good the best thing for most children is to go by bike. It is healthy for most teenagers since there are not much sportlessons in school.

  2. Happy is still a puppy/baby to me, but those days seem numbered. He's already showing signs of being a big boy.

    My, what big feet you have, Happy ... and your tail is starting to fill out too!

  3. I can't believe how fast he's growing! He must be eating you out of house and home.

    I see that he still likes sticks.

  4. Klasse Fotos und spaßiger Kommentar. Happy legt sehr schnell zu. Aber so soll es ja auch sein. Wenn es auch eine stressige Zeit ist, genieße sie, denn ehe man sich versieht ist Happy ausgewachsen.

  5. I love that he matches the fire hydrant. He's obviously got some style!

  6. Happy sure is growing fast! I hope all his days are filled with collecting sticks and exploring new friends.

  7. They match perfectly!!! So he's about 12kg. Lorelai was putting on 1kg (2.2lbs) a week while she was a baby, what about Happy??? What lovely weather too!!

  8. Oh my goodness. Adorable baby. Looks like this pup has the potential for be a great and regal one.

  9. And I'm quite sure they'll meet again! That's hilarious that they match.

  10. Happy is totally adorable and I love the picture of your beautiful boy!

    Enjoy the weekend with your 2 pups!

  11. I am terribly late to the puppy party! He is so very adorable. I expect he will grow into those big paws quite soon!
