Friday, July 24, 2009

Happy Friday!

Sorry, no handspun Friday today. I didn't get to write up the post. I'll have some Humbug for next week to show you. I'll leave you with a video of Happy instead. Have a great weekend!

It wont let me embed it so here's the link to a Happy video.



  1. He is so cute ! I want to cuddle him . His coat looks so beautiful and white . Too funny when he picks up his bed and throws it around . He is quite the guy !

  2. LOL! Happy is the energizer bunny!

    He's like a cute fuzzy white blanket except that he has big paws.

  3. total niedlich!

    Muss er eigentlich noch lange mit blauem Ohr herumlaufen? Wofür ist das denn?
    Ich dachte zuerst, dass der Züchter so die einzelnen Tiere auseinanderhält indem jeder Welpe ne ander Farbe abbekommt. Aber dann wärs ja schon längst weg, denk ich mal...

  4. He is so cute! Boy he is a bundle of energy! That is cute how his one ear flops down every once in awhile.

  5. That's hysterical! When Steve wakes up I'm going to show him this.

    That Happy is a busy bee - and quite the handful! All boy as they say.

    I'm just sipping on some tea and throughly enjoyed the entertainment :)

  6. Ich hatte erst gestern wieder die Gelegenheit Deinen Blog anzusehen. Die Fotos, die Du bisher von Happy gemacht hast, sind ja wirklich klasse. Aber so ein kleines Video gibt doch viel besser wieder, wie lebhaft der kleine Racker ist. Ich habe es mir schon ein paar Mal angesehen.
