Friday, July 31, 2009

Handspun Friday - Shetland Humbug

2. finished Humbug skein 3.5oz Kettle Dyed Shetland Humbug ~ 403yds navajo plied-2

This is the second finished skein of my Humbug project. This time Shetland Humbug instead of Jacobs Humbug.
From this fiber:
100g Kettle-Dyed Shetland Humbug-4

Fiber: Kettle Dyed Shetland Humbug by Shunklies, 3.5 oz
yarn: ~ 403 yds, navajo plied

2. finished Humbug skein 3.5oz Kettle Dyed Shetland Humbug ~ 403yds navajo plied-3

I'm working on the next Humbug fiber, but I'm not getting anything done lately, not much spinning time.

3. finished Humbug skein 3.5oz Kettle Dyed Shetland Humbug ~ 403yds navajo plied-4

They are not the same, but you can see that they are "related".

1 skein Jacobs Humbug, 1 skein Shetland Humbug-1

And of course a Happy picture: itchy.

July 29-6

More Happy photos here (scroll down).

Wish you all a wonderful weekend, with lots of crafting time!



  1. That's a really beautiful yarn!
    I love your handspun because it's all full of colors!
    And happy... this guy is growing fast!!!

  2. love the subtle colors in the yarn! i think shetland might be the next type of fleece that i buy, if i ever make it through the first two i already have.

  3. I love those colours, and wow, great yardage for 3.5 oz.!

  4. Beautiful spinning with gorgeous colors. The name humbug for yarn strikes me as funny ~ it can be a candy in some places but in the US it's associated with a grump. I'm sure no one will be grumpy wearing your lovely spun wool :)))

    Happy is cute no matter what he's doing! I hope he doesn't tire you out with too much mischief this weekend.

  5. Your spinning and plying is wonderful. I like both of the colors and the way you preserved the color changes.

    "Itchy" is adorable.

  6. Your spinning is so beautiful! Every time I see what you've spun I know what I have to aspire to.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Oh, and Happy is just as adorable as he usually is. He's grown too!

  7. I really like how you show the roving and then the spun yarn. It's interesting to see what the colors end up looking like. As always your hand spun yarn is gorgeous.

  8. I love the Humbug colors! Your spinning is superb! You kept the color sections so nicely too! I love that in plying!

  9. He looks so puppy-floppy, that is so adorable.

    How does that work that the fiber looks nothing like the spun yarn? (I mean, I sort of know, but it's so amazing to see the fiber turn from one thing into the other.)

  10. Diese Farben!!! Die gefallen mir aber auch - so schön harmonisch aufeinander abgestimmt - einfach toll, Monika.
    Und Euer Happy ist so knuffig, besonders sein abstehendes Öhrchen...
    Liebe Grüße
