Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sam's gone ...


Rest in peace my dear sweet boy! My heart aches for you.

Sam - May 30, 2002 - May 21, 2009

Samson, May 30, 2002 - May 21, 2009



  1. Monika,

    I am so sorry to hear about Sam! So sorry. It's hard to believe that our pets who love us unconditionally would ever have to leave us.

    I am there for you in spirit, and offer you my condolences and my prayers.

  2. oh Monika, i'm so, so sorry.

  3. Oh Monika, I'm so sorry. Poor beautiful Sam. I'm happy he had a wonderful happy life with you, but I'm so sorry for your loss, for your Sam. Hugs to you.

  4. Oh, my heart breaks for you! Rest in peace, you dear, sweet boy. How very, very sad. I'm all teary eyed. :( {{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}} to you all...

  5. Monika, oh Monika, I'm so, so sorry. I'm glad no one is in my office, since I'm crying. {{hugs}} to you and Biko.

  6. Monica in San AntonioMay 21, 2009 4:26 p.m.

    I am so sorry for your loss, Monika. Take care and God bless.

  7. I am so, so sorry, Monica! *hugs*

  8. My heart aches for you. I have had two, dear Labs I have had to say goodbye to, and it is awful. Your Sam was gorgeous and well loved.

  9. Oh no. So terribly sad ~ even though you knew this was coming how can anyone ever be prepared. I am so so so very sorry. But know that you have so many wonderful pictures and memories of him ~ he'll always be close to you in your heart.

    (((hugs))) and a few shared tears too

  10. Godspeed Sam. *HUGS* to you Monika.

  11. Liebe Monika,

    keine Worte der Welt können deinen Schmerz lindern. Leider weiß ich aus Erfahrung zu gut, wie es dir gerade gehen mag.....

    Ganz liebe Grüße, Juli

  12. I am so sorry to hear.... Even though I only virtually knew him, I will miss him too.

  13. I want to extend my sympathies for your sudden loss to you and your family.

    Sam was a beautiful, sweet, loyal boy who was very much loved and cherished by your family.

  14. Monica - I'm so so sorry - my thoughts are with you. Rhonda

  15. I'm sad to hear that, he was so determined! Hug to you!

  16. Oh, Monika! I'm so very, very sorry.

  17. Oh, it's so hard to lose our pets. I've loved seeing all your pictures and stories of Sam, I'll miss him too!

  18. Oh Monika....:(

    Can't find the words.

    Thinking of you from far away ....

  19. So sorry for your loss.

  20. Oh Monika, I'm so so very sorry. Just a few minutes ago I caught up on your last post and now this. My heart is breaking, what a fine dogfaced boy, that Sam.
    Hugs and soothing thoughts to you and yours.. some extras for Biko.

  21. Oh, Monica, I am so sorry! Whatever happened? Puppy kisses and hugs to you!

  22. Oh, Monika -- that's heartbreaking. I'm so sorry.

  23. So sorry. My thoughts are with you.

  24. May all your happy memories help get thru this loss. He's over the Rainbow Bridge playing.

  25. aww, that's so sad. I'm sorry. We lost our 3 year old lab to cancer in's so very hard. Give Biko extra hugs, I'm sure she misses him too!

  26. I'm so sorry. Sam will always have a piece of your heart. Thinking of you.


  27. Oh, Monika~ I am so so sorry. You have some wonderful memories and sweet sweet photos to remember him by. My heart is aching for you all as well.

  28. So sorry ... do take care.

  29. I have enjoyed reading about Sam over the last couple of years. I can see his love for you as he looks at you while you take his picture. I am sincerely sorry.

  30. I'm so sorry to hear about Sam. It was obvious how much you loved him and cared about him and you had his best interests at heart. I'm sure he loved you back just as much.

  31. My heart breaks for you. You are in my thoughts.

  32. Oh, Monika. Hugs. Big ones.

  33. Oh, I am so, so sorry. Please take care of yourself.

  34. I'm so sorry, Monika. It's a tough time.

  35. Oh Monika, please accept my sincerest condolences on Sam's passing. I am so very, very sorry. Know that Milo and I hold you all in our hearts and prayers while you go through this difficult period. He was such a gorgeous boy, so close to your heart and, therefore, ours. May he rest in peace until you are all reunited. The tears are flowing.

  36. oh monika,
    so very sorry!!!
    how is biko?
    sending sympathy and love,

  37. I am so terribly sorry. How painful it is to lose your friend. Last year was very hard for us, we lost two of our dogs. The pain is still fresh.

  38. Dear Monika, I just had a little cry, I am so sorry to read of Sam's death. What a lovely boy. I may not believe in people heaven but there is definitely a Heaven for Animal Companions and I know he will be running like the wind there. Someone said to me not long ago that dogs are only on loan, I think they are right, but how lucky we are to have them lent to us. Love and tail wags from The Labradors to you and Biko.

  39. Goodbye, Sam.
    Say hi to Princesa in the dog's heaven for me, ok?

    I'll miss you...

  40. Das tut mir sehr leid für dich.
    LG Petra

  41. Sorry for your loss. Your Sam was beautiful and I'm sure will be greatly missed.

  42. Monika, I'm so sorry for your loss...

  43. Dear Monika,

    I am so sorry about Sam. My thoughts are with you and poor Biko, both your hearts must be broken. How are you both holding up?

    I wish you all the best and give you a big hug! Hope to hear from you soon.

    Love and hugs, Hannah

  44. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear this! :( I sorta feel like we all lost a friend.

    Hope Biko is doing okay.

  45. So sorry,,, Judy ~~

  46. Liebe Monika,

    Das tut mir richtig leid - ich hatte so gehofft, daß er doch noch wieder gesund wird. Es ist schlimm wenn man sein Tier verliert.

    Ich drück Dich jetzt mal aus der Ferne und schicke Dir ein paar Tröstegrüße


  47. Oh Monika,
    Just saw your post, a chill went down my spine and "No, it can't be" raced through my mind, not sweet Sam, not yet. but that is the way life is, so cruel at times!
    Please accept my sincere condolences,
    es tut mir so furchtbar leid!

  48. So sorry to hear this. I always enjoyed the pictures and stories of the doggies on the blog.

  49. Mir kamen gerade die Tränen. Es tut mir so leid ! Ich weiß nur zu gut wie es einem dann geht...

    Liebe Grüße

  50. Ach, Monika, das tut mir so leid für Euch!

    Viele liebe Grüße!

  51. Monika - es tut mir ganz furchtbar leid... Egal was ich auch schreibe, ich kann Dir den Schmerz nicht leichter machen, aber ich kann Dir schreiben, dass es mir letzten Dezember ähnlich ging, wie Dir und ich weis, wie weh es einem tut. Dein Hund hat so ein schönes Leben bei Euch gehabt und wird immer in Eurem Herzen sein.
    Das ist das aller wichtigeste

  52. Es tut mir so leid, dass Sam dich schon verlassen musste.
    Sei umarmt in deiner Trauer.

  53. Oh no, Monika! Not your beautiful boy. I am so very sorry. What heartbreak. We love our dogs, but their lives are too, too short.

  54. So sorry for your loss. All dogs go to heaven.

  55. Das tut mir sehr leid.
    Ich wünsche dir alle Gute!

  56. Monika,
    I'm so sorry!
    Hope he rest in peace. I'll pray for him.
    Be sure that he had happy life by your side.

  57. Oh Monika, I am so terribly sorry for your loss. Sending you some soft hugs.

  58. Oh! My dear Monika,I am so sorry you have lost Sam. This news just breaks my heart. The companionship and unconditional love of our dogs makes the loss so hard to bear.
    I wish you solace in knowing Sam is still watching over you and Biko. Sunny and I share your tears and send along hugs and licks (from Sunny of course).
    You will be in our prayers.

  59. So terribly terribly sorry for your loss.

  60. I am so sorry for your loss. They really do leave holes in our hearts, don't they?

  61. Oh Monika!!! I'm sitting here crying, its like loosing one of my own. If I was two provinces closer i'd come hug you!
    Sam was such a ham and will surely be missed by all especially his sidekick Biko.
    Love to you all!!

  62. Monika thats awful!!! im so so so sorry for your loss.

    Lots of hugs

  63. aw, crap. SO sorry to read of your loss - Sam was special and beautiful.

  64. Ach Monika,

    jetzt sitz ich hier und heule.
    Fühl Dich von weit her ein bisschen gedrückt.
    Erst gestern haben Manisha und ich noch von Dir und Sam gesprochen.

    Liebe Grüße,
    die Bea

  65. Das tut mir so furchtbar Leid, liebe Monika! Mir laufen die Tränen nur so herunter.

    Ich stelle heute abend eine Kerze für Sam ins Fenster.

    Ganz liebe Grüße

    von Birgit

  66. I am really really sorry! May Sam rest in peace ...

  67. Monika,

    I sit here and cry. Sam was a lucky dog to have you in his life, as you were to have him in yours. My dad once told me, after the loss of one of our cats, "the depth of your sorrow is a testament to the breadth of your love" or something like that.

    Please, give Bikko a bit of an extra hug, she will miss him too.

    Much love my dear friend on this saddest of sad days.

  68. I'm so sorry. I'm sure it was a hard choice to make.

  69. Monika,

    No words can express the pain in your heart at this time. Go easy on yourself and allow yourself to grieve! They are such a part of our lives, it is so hard to let go....Take care, better days ahead. Hugs Kim D.

  70. My heart is breaking for you! ((((hugs))))

  71. Liebe Monika, es tut mir so leid.


  72. Oh, Monika. I am so very sorry. I can't even being to express how sorry I am.

    I've never met you and I've never met Sam. Yet, your simple post brought me to tears.

    Sam's life was short, but he was such a lucky dog. He was so loved (both by his people and by your blog readers) and his antics always brought a smile to my face.

    I will miss seeing all of the pictures of him and his red ball.

    Rest in peace, Sam. You will be missed.

  73. Oh no Monika! I wish you'd had more time with him. He was such a beautiful boy and I loved seeing your photos of him doing doggy things. You took such good care of him and loved him so much.

    I'm so very sorry.

  74. Oh Monika , I'm so , so sorry, my heart aches for you ! I cried when I saw your post . Words escape me , I know there's really nothing I can say to help ease your pain. It was such a joy to see all the photos of Sam & Biko on your blog. Thanks for sharing them , I'll miss him too . Take care of yourself ... ((((hugs))))

  75. You have my deepest, most heartfelt sympathy. Losing a friend is so hard.

  76. Monika,

    obwohl ich in letzter Zeit hier nicht so viel gesagt habe, lese ich Dein Blog immer noch.

    Es tut mir leid wegen Sams....aber ich bin mir sicher, Ihr habt eine wunderschöne Zeit zusammen verbracht und es gibt einfach nichts Besseres.

    Fühl Dich einfach gedrückt!

  77. Oh, I am so sorry! It is never an easy decision to make. They love us and trust us to know when the time has come, and it can be a burden. I've so enjoyed reading of your time with him, and I'm deeply sorry at his loss.

    hugs to you and yours.

  78. I'm very sorry. Those who we love never completely leave us.

  79. My heart aches for you, and my prayers for comfort are with you. The time they spend with us is precious and always all too short.

    I had to say goodbye to my beloved dachshund Oscar in February. The grief is there and real, for they are members of our family just as much as the human members are.

    Blessings to you for the good life and love you gave to Sam. He's waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge.

  80. Monika,
    I'm really sorry that your Sam has died.

  81. I am so sorry for your loss.

  82. Liebe Monika,

    ein stiller trauriger Gruß aus der Ferne.
    Worte machen es nicht leichter, aber ich bin in Gedanken bei Euch.

    Drück Biko von mir, er wird die Welt nicht verstehen... und braucht Dich jetzt besonders.

  83. Monika- sorry to hear of the loss of your sweet boy. i loved seeing him on the blog. he had a very happy life with you. take care.

  84. Monika,

    Am so sorry to hear of your loss of your fur friend.

  85. Monika,
    I am so very sorry to read about Sam. Eventhough I've never had the honor of meeting you and Sam, it was fun reading about his adventures. He had a good life with you.

  86. Dear Monika,

    I am so sorry...that´s heartbreaking, I know.
    BIG HUG to you!

  87. I'm so sorry for your loss! I'm sure he was a great companion and a great friend. My heart and prayers are with you at this difficult time!

  88. Oh I just read this - so very sad for you and your family. Sam was such a beautiful companion.
    Prayers and hugs go out to you.

  89. I am so sorry that you lost your Sam. My heart truly feels for your loss.

  90. Liebe Monika,
    ich habe es erst jetzt gelesen und ich drücke Dich ganz fest. Der Verlust eines unserer geliebten Vierbeiner ist immer grausam für uns. Ich weiss aber, dass es Sam besser geht. Er kann wieder laufen und springen - ohne Schmerzen und er denkt mit Sichherheit immer an Euch.

    Umärmele Dich ganz fest.


  91. WAS? oh nein! sorry, ich komme so wenig zum bloglesen in letzter zeit...
    ich weiss nicht was ich sagen soll, es tut mir einfach so unendlich leid. ich drück dich ganz fest...

    traurige grüsse, Cecie

  92. I am so sorry that you lost Sam. You have wonderful memories of Sam and pictures too. I know it will never replace him. I agree with Sharon V that pets love us unconditionally and I think over many posts you have shown us his love for you as his owner. Long distance hugs to you!

  93. Que judiação!! sinto muito sua perda... sempre segui as histórias dele no blog.

  94. Oh my...Kathy sent me, I did not know Sam...but what a beauty! I Know you much you'll miss him.

  95. Monika,

    Sam was a beautiful looking gentleman ... I am so sorry for your loss. (Kathy sent me) I lost my black lab, Cybil, in February ... it's tough. {{hugs}} to you.

  96. I have just found your blog and really like it. I have been reading through your posts and came across this one. I lost my 'once in a lifetime' dog Daz on the 1st of April this year. I agree with everything you say, she was my shadow, my life, I still feel without her I can't breathe some days. Happy looks so lovely.

    Take care.

