Friday, March 13, 2009

Handspun Friday - Frost Flowers

I'm really glad I found out about sweetgeorgia yarns fiber club in time to sign up. The first ever installment was February 2009.

4oz fiber club-February'09- sweetgeorgias-Wensleydale-Frost Flowers

fiber: Wensleydale: it's a longwool sheep with curly wool; it's the finest lustre long wool in the world (according to; it can be spun into fine laceweight, fingering weight for sturdy sock yarn, or even bulky, for glossy, weighty skeins.
I prefer the sock yarn variety. I can't imagine having this fiber near my skein, other than my feet.

Frost Flowers, Wensleydale, ~ 311yds, navajo plied, 4oz

It was not the first time I've spun Wensleydale. As it is, I've spun a bobbin full of it, just before this shipment arrived. It's the one I dyed myself. I still have another bobbin to fill, and ply before it is ready to be shown here.

weight: 4oz
colorway: Frost Flowers

yardage: ~ 311yds

way of plying: navajo

WPI: 22
With the short color changes, navajo plying would not come to mind at first. One reasoning why I did it anyway was, that I would NOT want lace around my shoulders in this fuzzy fiber, and as mentioned above, only socks would do (for me). I love how this skein came out. The colores are fabulous, and the skein, while taking a hot bath, did not bleed out at all. I like it, when color does not come off, on hands, or in the bath afterwards.

Frost Flowers, 311yds, Wensleydale, navajo plied-6-close up

Frost Flowers, Wensleydale, ~ 311yds, navajo plied, 4oz-2

I'm looking forward to the next installment.


  1. A very lovely yarn!!
    Have a nice weekend.

    Annette in Norway

  2. Das ist ein wundervolles Sockengarn geworden. Wunderschöne Farben.

    Ist Wenseydale denn kratzig, dass du es nur an den Füßen tragen magst?

    Grüßle, die Bea

  3. Traumhafte Farben !! Wenn die Wolle kratzt - ein Täschchen sähe bestimmt auch gut aus.

    LG Eva

  4. Herrlich, Monika! Das sieht SO weich aus!

    Liebe Grüße!

  5. Aren't those pretty colors! You spin so wonderfully. Just lovely, Monika.

  6. Wunderschöne Farbe! Ich liebe diese blaugrünen Töne. Bin schon gespannt, wie das Garn verstrickt aussieht.

  7. SO very Lovely! what gorgeous colours! I need to check it out, see what else she has, thank you for the link.

  8. It's very pretty! you know, I spun a skein of Wensleydale and thought it was too scratchy for lace, but I recently pulled it out and it really softened up when it was knit. You may be surprised!

  9. i love seeing the roving before the spun yarn. it's wild to see how all the colors will mix and meld.

    beautiful work, monika!!

  10. Beautiful yarn , gorgeous colours !

  11. Your spinning is so fine and even! Wonderful wonderful yarn.

  12. The colors are gorgeous. I have some Wensleydale that was the roving I purchased when I learned to use the drop spindle and have yet to use. Your post has inspired me to do something with it.

  13. beautiful! I always love to look at Weseydael fiber when it is dyed. It has such a beutiful sheen. I've spun it once and have some in my stash, but I've never been sure what to do with it because it doesn't feel soft. Maybe I could ply some with alpaca.

  14. Wow. That's absolutely gorgeous!

  15. Absolutely gorgeous! Your spinning is so impressive.

    I can't believe how the wool that I see on sheep all grubby, matted, and curly can be transformed into something so beautiful.

  16. Absolutely Beautiful!

  17. wow, so gorgeous! i haven't spun wensleydale myself, i'll have to try it one of these days!

  18. Wunderschöne Farben!
    Wunderschön versponnen!

    Anschmachtende Grüsse - ZiZi

  19. You know, if I had seen that top in a store I probably wouldn't have bought it but you've spun it up and I absolutely LOVE it! It always amazes me how so-so top can turn into a surprisingly gorgeous yarn! It'll make spankin' socks!

  20. absolutely beautiful. Stunning actually.

  21. Those colors are so pretty. I can't wait to see what it looks like as socks.

  22. was fuer hammerschoene farben !! koennte dir den wollschatzt glatt klauen :-))

  23. Oh, so gorgeous! Love those colours. Your N-plying is wonderfully even. Also, I love the way you swirled it into an ice cream cone in the bottom picture. :-)

  24. Wenn ich diese Farben sehe, wird mir immer mehr klar... ich muss irgendwann ein Spinnrad haben :)

    LG Susi

  25. That yarn looks wonderful, the colours are very pretty!

  26. I just love these colors! Beautiful!

  27. Thanx for the eye candy today. I'm looking forward to the next installment too! That is absolutely beautiful.

  28. That spunup beautifully! I should dig out my wheel. After I sew together mitred squares. Sigh.

  29. The colors are gorgeous & it's so nicely spun.

  30. Wow, das sind ja tolle Farben!

  31. Hach Monika, ich mag Deine wiederkehrenden Spinneinträge, die sind so motivierend. Und wie fusselig dieses Garn hier nach dem Spinnen aussieht, so richtig toll!

    sei ganz lieb gegrüßt

  32. Parabéns pelo seu trabalho!! Fios lindos e maravilhosos!! Pena que aqui no Brazil não encontro estes fios para tricotar!!! Parabéns!! Very beautiful!!!
