Wednesday, November 12, 2008

It will only be a break!

Birthday flowers from DH Karl

My husband said, I could not leave you like that, and he is right of course. I want to thank you all for your Birthday wishes and comments you left on my last post! They are heartwarming, and very much appreciated!

My decision to take a break from blogging was a right one for me, necessary and important, but I already know that I will be back next year! So, my friends, lets not say goodbye, but rather, see you later! :o)

And apropos nothing, look what I saw in the Supermarket: Disney's new character is a White German Shepherd puppy called BOLT!

He reminded me of Sam. :o)


  1. Then I'll see you again next year *hugs*
    I guess we all need a break some times.

    Bolt looks like a cutie.

  2. A break works wonders :-)

  3. Glad it's just a break :) Sometimes a change does us all good. I know I should take a break from being on the computer too much....would get more things accomplished.
    hugs :)

  4. Take your time and we will see you next year! I have to say I am relieved after reading this message.

  5. Sali Monika

    Break tönt doch schon besser!
    Ich wünsche dir eine erholsame Zeit und freue mich im nächsten Jahr wieder von dir zu lesen!

    Schöne Feiertage ;-)
    Liebe Grüsse - ZiZi

  6. That's much better. We're hooked and you can rest assured, we'll meet on Ravelry and perhaps one day in reality. Who knows?!

    Look forward to seeing you back in the new year!


  7. Oh I'm so glad that it is just a break . I'd miss you so much ! Enjoy the break and I'll catch up with you on Ravelry , hugs....

  8. Those flowers are beautiful.
    I completely understand and relate to the need for a break. Enjoy your time and make good time :^)

  9. Whew! So glad this is just a break. Enjoy, and see you next year.

  10. Everyone needs a break sometime! You enjoy yours :) Have fun and know that we'll be delighted when you return!


  11. Well, OK then, I can always tell myself that "next year" is only 49 days away. :o)

    See ya on Rav!

  12. Enjoy your break! Hope to see you and the puppies in the new year.

  13. Whew! I'm SO relieved! Now I can be truly happy for you that you are taking a break.

    See you next year!

  14. Happy belated birthday!

    I will miss you while you are gone - but I will continue to look for youon Ravelry until your return! Please have a wonderful time!

  15. Thank you for your blog posts enjoy your break and look forward to reading more again in the new year.. Hugs Caroline X

  16. You know we all will keep an eye out for you next post. :)

  17. Glad to hear it! But I totally understand about needing a blogging break! Gives you more time for life!

  18. I'll see you later then. Sounds so much better than good bye. I bet the animators for Bolt saw pictures of Sam on your blog. ;-)

  19. That does look like Sam! A cutie pie.

    Happy Birthday and enjoy your blogging break!

  20. I'm a frequent lurker and rare commenter (this may be my first!) If you need a break, by all means do what you need to do. We'll miss you and look forward to seeing you back!


  21. phew!!!
    glad to hear that you are only taking a break. i would have missed you very much!!!
    hope you had a wonderful day yesterday!
    all the best,

  22. Glad you are only taking a time out. Wish you Happy Happy Holidays and we will see you again after the new year! My best to you and your family!

  23. Liebe Monika,
    jetzt war ich aber eben geschockt. Habe mal wieder etwa eine Woche nicht nach Dir geschaut und nun sowas!

    Erstmal wünsche ich Dir noch alles erdenklich Gute zu deinem Geburtstag nachträglich. Mögen sich alle Deine Wünsche und Hoffnungen erfüllen.

    Und nun zu Deiner Blog-Pause: Ich kann gut verstehen, dass Du mal eine brauchst. Ich kenne wohl kaum einen Blog wie Deinen, bei dem man gewiß sein kann, dass mindestens alle zwei Tage ein neuer Post kommt. Bei Dir war das jetzt ganz schön lange so, immer mit einem neuen Projekt, mit schönen Bildern und Geschichten über Deinen Alltag, über Eure Hunde usw. Irgendwann ist man dann sicherlich auch mal leer.

    Nimm Dir die Zeit, die Du brauchst und finde Deine Mitte. Ich hatte sowieso schon den Eindruck, dass Dich Dein Trip back to the roots mehr beschäftigt hat, als Du vorher hast ahnen können, nicht wahr?
    Also nimm Dir die Zeit aber bitte komm wieder. Ich kann mir Blogland ohne Dich nicht vorstellen - die Lücke wäre zu groß!

    Ich wünsche Dir alles erdenklich Gute und eine schöne Advents- und Weihnachtszeit, komm gut ins neue Jahr, bis bald, alles Liebe

  24. Happy, Happy Birthday and I wish you the BEST in all of your endeavors. Kiss the doggies for me.


  25. Well darn, Monika, I will miss you! And a belated happy birthday to you as well.

  26. I just took a break. I had surgery in June and can not seem to get better. Itried to spend my time getting better and just stopped turning on the computer. 'Back now. Not better but coping. It is great to see the Sam and Biko are doing good.

  27. Monika,
    So glad you are only taking a break. I'm the world's most sporadic blogger but I so love reading your blog.
    Have a good break.
    See ya around Ravelry.
    I'll be looking forward to your return. You didn't know so many people cared about you and your blog, did you!

    Take care

  28. Geesh, I step away for a few days, and come back for a shock! Firstly, Happy Birthday to you!! Second, by all means take a break, but know I will be following you around Ravelry as Sam must do at home!I make no apologies for it, are one of my heroes. Take care of you!

  29. Please let me know when you're back. I'll miss your blog.

  30. I've fallen behind on my blog reading and even further behind on blog posting, but wanted you to know I hope you had a great birthday! I'll miss seeing your regular posts but can understand about needing a break. Take care!

  31. All of us need a break sometimes - I am taking mine at the end of the year as I will be away in Singapore & Malaysia for 4 weeks. Have a good break !

  32. I'll miss your blog, Monika, and will be glad to "see" you next year. Hugs to Sam and Biko.

  33. Take all the time you need, dear Monika. We'll be here.

    Oh, and happy belated birthday. I love that picture of you as a young girl. Hope everything is (or will be) alright.

  34. Nachträglich noch alles Liebe zum Geburtstag.

    LG Susi

  35. Holidays are definitely crazy enough without worrying about blog posts. Enjoy yourself and get in some "you" time!!


  36. Hope you're enjoying your break!!

    A white shep! Bolt is very cute!

  37. Schoene Advents - und Weihnachtstage und alles Gute für dich.

    Freue mich im naechsten Jahr wieder von dir zu hören :-)

  38. Dear Monika!
    Happy birthday... late but with much affection.

    Have a very good holidays and a new year of happiness, peace, health and much knit.

    I am very happy to see Sam and Biko.

    With kind regards,




  39. Happy New Year, Monika!
    I hope you come back soon
    Margie in Maryland

  40. I hope you had a great Christmas and New Year. Can't wait to read what you've been up to!

  41. Dear Monika--

    I don't think humor can rub off via the Internet. But if you keep reading my blog, maybe it will :)

    Thanks for the compliments on my fish bag!
