Friday, August 29, 2008

The Aran Island Mittens

I told you that I was knitting mittens, and that they didn't work out as well as they should. It's hard to see, but the yarn is a lovely heather, some elann Highland wool. It's not the yarn's fault at all, even though before I knit this half mitten, I've knit a hat with it, and ripped it too. It's not the yarn, really. The mittens are way too big, huge in fact. I've decided to rip them back to the cuff, use that and make up something else, without increases. In fact, there's only the cuff left right now, but I don't know when I will get back to them, since the Noro blanket is calling to me, and I still have two finish two more lace scarves.
This is the palm side, I don't like how it looks at all. I liked it well enough the way it looked in the book. The pattern is "Aran Islands" from the book "Folk Mittens" by Marcia Lewandowski.
SharonV asked in her comment if I thought Kauni would be good for the 10-stitch blanket. I would not use it myself, because a) the color changes are long ones, and b) the yarn is too thin for my liking, for a blanket.
Sam: My baby is not doing too well. He's not responding to the pain killers he's getting. He's clearly suffering, and I'm waiting for the Vet to return my call to discuss this further. We've started Cartrophen Vet injections, which he gets once for 4 weeks. This may help, but in the long run, or not at all. He's getting lots of glucosamine supplements as well. Metacam AND Tramadol for his pain, which clearly is NOT working. Last night, for the first time, I was thinking that my Sam might not be around as long as I thought he would. That's a terrible thought, a scary one. The most important thing right now is, that he'll not suffer. I hope we'll find a solution.


  1. I hope Sam feels better soon!

  2. oh no! i will keep good sam thoughts in my mind! and i will send all the positive energy his way!!!!

    xoxo my friend.

  3. I feel really bad for you and Sam. It's hard to watch a part of your family age and falter.

    You are both in my prayers.

  4. So sorry about Sam. I hope you and the vet can find a solution. He's such a lovely part of your family!

  5. Oh Monika...How I feel for you. Poor Sam! And just when I am so happy (about you know what) you have to go through all of this.

    My thoughts are with you and Sam. I hope they will come up with a treatment what will help.

    A big hug for all of you.

  6. I am so sorry to hear Sam is suffering! If he is not responding to the arthritis meds, could it be that he has the same issue Biko had - is he losing muscle in this back legs? When Hero first started having problems, we went down the arthritis route for fully two years before someone diagnosed his spinal stenosis. Worth asking...

  7. Oh no, poor Sam. I'll keep good thoughts for him but yes, it is important that he not suffer. That tends to make you the one who has to suffer but that's the way it is.

    Hopefully he'll get all better, or at least better though!

  8. I'm sorry to hear Sam is not doing well. I hope you figure something out. The mittens are gorgeous -- but it's a good thing you ripped it if it wasn't the right size. It's a hard thing to do sometimes, isn't it?!

  9. Oh, Monika. I am so sorry to hear about Sam. Know that you and he will be in my thoughts and prayers. Give him a big hug and kiss for Milo, too. Your pictures of Sam and Biko were some of the first I saw on the net when I started reading knitting blogs two years ago. I will pray that the vet finds a solution to his pain.

  10. Nimitz sends some licks to Sam. It's an awful thought to think a beloved member of the family won't make it as long as you'd hope. But is really ever as long as we want? And hugs to you too.

  11. Best wishes for Sam - and for you too!

  12. I'm sending good vibes your way. I really hope that Sam feels better soon.

  13. Thanks for posting the update on Sam. I know it's not the best news but there is still reason to hope, especially since Sam is only 6.

    I will keep good thoughts for him.

  14. Liebe Monika,
    das sind ja schlimme Nachrichten von Sam und ich hoffe sehr, dass sich sein Zustand bald bessert. Bitte hab nicht solch schlimme Gedanken, er spürt das bestimmt. Versuche ihm das Gefühl zu geben, dass Du an ihn und seine baldige Genesung glaubst.
    Hoffentlich hoffentlich findet Ihr bald zusammen mit dem Tierarzt eine Lösung für ihn, damit er seine Schmerzen loswird.
    Ich drücke Euch ganz fest die Dauem und denke an Euch.
    Alles Liebe

  15. That's too bad the mittens were too bg. They certainly look wonderful in the photos.

    Poor Sam...hope he feels better real soon!! It's very hard to see those we love suffer :(
