Monday, May 05, 2008

Scarves from the Heart

This is my 400th post, coinciding with the finishing of a new scarf I especially designed for Scarves from the Heart. Shelly asked me, if I would like to design a scarf for this cause, and of course I said yes. Things do not come easy to me, so I swatched for three days, when on the forth, I finally was satisfied with the result. Well, you might think, that's what she came up with in four days? Yep, can't say why this stuck, and not something else, that's just the way it is.
I hope people will like it, and knit it, and donate it to this charity. There is also a blog Scarves from the Heart blog for those who commit to at least knit one scarf (any scarf as I understand)for this charity. Go check it out!

You'll find the free pattern here. Hope you'll enjoy it, and are moved to knit one for "Scarves from the Heart"?! Shelly also told me that there's a group on Ravelry as well.

After I took pictures for the pattern, I had planned to paint this scarf. I'm not sure I like it better painted, but it sure was a lot of fun.
My creation


  1. Ich habs mir schon ausgedruckt :-))
    Und freue mich aufs Stricken.
    Vielen Dank, dass du wieder ein so tolles Muster ausgetueftelt hast.

  2. Beautiful!! I like the painted one! You did a great job designing it :)

  3. Very cool idea and a very nice pattern. It was worth 4 days in the planning. We won't want it to curl under either, right. I understand they accept any kind of scarves there, so now I know what to do with all the eyelash yarn I have in my stash. :D It's a nice quick fix whenever I need a instant FO.

  4. What a beautiful design! Everything balances so nicely and the whole is just beautiful.

  5. how sweet is that?! i would say, wow! she planned that in just four days! i'm impressed...

    it's more than i could plan in four weeks! :)

  6. Beautiful my dear, just beautiful!

  7. I really like how you framed the hearts to help them stand out more. I think painting them looks cute too. :-)

  8. You did a fabulous job on the scarf design!! Very pretty :)

  9. It looks cute painted too! Beautiful pattern for a worthy cause.

  10. Great pattern! Well done! :)

  11. Da hast Du Dir wieder mal ein sehr schönes Muster für den Schal ausgedacht, tolles Muster! Ich habe mir die Anleitung schon abgespeichert. Und für das hast Du nur 4 Tage gebraucht? Das ist wirklich enorm. Vielen Dank für die super Anleitung.

  12. Beautiful pattern!

  13. How very cool! I like the scarf both painted and unpainted, as well.

  14. Wow, MOnika, ist der schööön! Druck ich mir sofort aus und die coloured version find ich auch super. Du hast immer so tolle Ideen und sprühst vor Kreativität, dass es eine wahre Freude ist. Toll, dass Du das alles mit uns teilst.
    FRohe Pfingsten und liebe Grüße

  15. I stand in awe - you are an awesome knitter and an amazing designer! i couldn't come up with a design like that in a month of Sundays! Kudos to you!!

  16. Oh Monika you are so clever and such a kind person!! You have such a nice heart!!!

  17. Gorgeous scarf! What a fantastic design. I like it both painted and original!

  18. I like it painted. Thanks for posting about that charity Im going to check it out.

  19. I can not find the pattern on that link. Could you please email it to me plz. thank you.
