Friday, April 11, 2008

Sunshine Square

It's crochet, Baby! Now that the sun is getting warmer, and shows up more often, and longer, I don't have to rely on little things like this Funky Doily any more, to cheer me up.

My creation
The square in the picture with the dog and the cup is not blocked yet. It was puckering in the middle, but blocking took care of that.

pattern: Funky Doily by Annette Petavy
yarn: Butterfly Super 10, mercerized cotton, color # 0494, used 176g (almost two balls, that was all I had left).
hook: 4mm (G6)
size after blocking: 17" square
start-finish: March 6-8

I added a picot edge. I would have made it a little larger, but I ran out of yarn. I made this Pinwheel blanket in 2006 and those two balls were all I had left.

Some time ago I made my first cup cakes ever! I was inspired first by Maggie's cup cakes, and there was this magazine with lemon cup cakes on the cover. I have never before eaten a cup cake, and these lemon ones, looked so delicious and light (but they are anything but light), I had to give it a try. Of course mine looked nothing like the picture above. First I forgot to buy those paper cups, I used a muffin tin instead. Nevertheless, they where gone before I could say "Boo!" Everybody enjoyed them. Did I mention I like lemon?
Yesterday, I finally got my Spin.Off magazine! I've been waiting for it so badly! I almost went out and bought one, because I thought it was lost in the mail. I think this one's my favorite so far. Maybe because there's so much in it, from people I know because of their blogs, or because I have bought stuff from them. There's this cute hat pattern in it, the information on how to make cabled yarn, and I learned, that Lendrum is a Canadian company! I did not know that! I knew Dorothea Fischer's website, and her Traditional Danish Tie-shawls, it was a surprise to read about it in this magazine.

I've got two new pairs of socks, and they were not made by me. The grey one was made by my Aunt Gisela, and the beige/brown/grey ones were made by my Granny. My DH brought both back form his visit to Austria.

As well as this knitting wooden needle holder my mom found at a flea market, with needles inside! There was one set of metal DP's. I rarely use straight needles anymore, but it's fun to have them. Some are metal/metal, plastic/metal, plastic/plastic.

And since this is a hodgepodge post today, I want to tell you something weird, happening to me the other day. Maybe you can tell me if this is normal? The doorbell rang. A lady from the neighborhood, which I knew from sight, was asking for a donation for the "Kidney Foundation". I said no (we donate to charitable causes, but I refuse to do so at the door). Now she asked me, what house number we are, she had to write down who said NO to her request. Hm. Should that have made me run and get my wallet or check book? Because now I'm on a list, and might not get a kidney if I need one? I thought that was strange. What could the purpose be for such a list - if there really is one?

Biko refused to be photographed today as well. She's doing fine as long as she's not running around like the devil is after her. So we go for long boring walks, and when we are outside, she just wanders around the back yard, and is looking for trouble (that's her middle name by the way). I was hoping that she would be back to her normal self by now, but whenever she does too much, she's still in pain at the end of the day. Last night we saw a further sign of improvement though, when she climbed up the couch to sleep next to my DH, which she has not done since way before her surgery. Recovery is definitely taking longer than the Vet from the clinic told us (she said 4 weeks). But that we never believed anyway.

What's on my needles? I'm working on two things. The Ripple Linen Basket Liner by Amy King, and the Crosswalker Socks by Emily B. Miller.


  1. Love the square, so bright and cheery! The cupcakes look good too! I can't believe you've never had one before. I love lemon.

    I love those shawls in Spin Off this month. I had never seen them before. I'm hoping to be able to spin enough yarn to make one soon.

  2. Look at you with all the bright, cheery color! Lovely doily. I haven't crocheted in ages! I just don't think I have it in my anymore, but I love to see what others do with it, just the same.

  3. No, your cupcakes definitely didn't resemble like those in the magazine, but they look delicious nonetheless! I too heart lemon. And I've never heard of anyone writing down your door number when you refuse to make a donation to something. Maybe it's to make sure no one else comes to your door?

  4. It's time to get that subscription to Spin Off, I don't know why I've been dragging my idea.

    MMMM, love lemon anything. Check out Glenna's cupcakes... mine never look pretty but then no one really cares about that much around here :^D

  5. What a happy post! I love the square too, and the cupcakes - yum! I'm a big fan of lemons. I'll eat one plain, especially the white inside the skin. I might shudder a couple of times, but it's worth it!

  6. What a bright and cheerful square that is! I really like the colors!

  7. I love your cheery yellow doily! So perfect with your cupcakes which look wonderful - there's something about cupcakes that makes them fun to eat. I don't make donations at the door either - I have in the past - but it's rather an intimidating method and my neighbors and I have decided as a group simply to say that the neighborhood does not allow door to door soliciting but they can mail materials, if they wish.

  8. BTW, I'm waiting for my first ever Spin-Off magazine - maybe mine will come today!!!

  9. Your doily looks so sunshiny, very nice pictures. I think your cupcakes look more delicious then the above picture. I ended up getting that issue of Spin Off to. I was interested in seeing the shawls in it. Those are nice socks that your husband brought back and what a cool find the needle holder box is. I'm sorry to hear Biko isn't recovering as quickly as the vet said, but it does sound like she is doing much better.

  10. Your cupcakes look delicious. Love the orange block - it looks gorgeous.

  11. Love, love, LOVE the color of the doily!

  12. LOVE your sunshine square...very pretty! Your cupcake looks family loves cupcakes.
    Both pairs of new socks look awesome...I know how much you much appreciate them as they were lovingly knitted for you :)

  13. Oooh, that doily is great! I love the sunny color! The linen basket liner looks like a great project -- I was eyeing it myself over the weekend!

  14. Mmmmm. Yum! I'm coming to your house for cupcakes! :-) I just bought the new Spin-off from a shop, but haven't gone through it yet. I heard it was excellent.

  15. Very sunny doily! Those lemony cupcakes look so yummy! The Kidney Foundation story is really weird... It's not nice of that lady to pull that sort of thing to make you feel uncomfortable. It sounds like she put you on some mailing list...
    I love your new socks from your aunt and Granny, and that needle holder is adorable!

  16. we had a lemon cake for our wedding. i can still taste it, all these years later.

    i love the diggity dog. she's funny.

  17. So bright and cheery!!

    I might be a little weirded out by the whole 'list' of people who said no. I wonder if you called thier office they would tell you why they do that....

  18. Cupcakes are all the go here. I love Butterfly cakes: you make plain vanilla cup cakes and then cut a little cone shape from the top and cut that in half vertically, then fill the cup cake hole with jam, jelly or curd and cream, pop the little pieces back on upside down to look like wings and dust with icing sugar. Yum!!!! Glad Biko is improving, slowly but surely!!!

  19. The square looks lovely, happy color!

    Spin off is Interweave isn't it? I had the same thing once with a magazine of Interweave. A lot can go wrong sending it to the Netherlands. But I sent a e-mail and they replied the next day! They had send of another copy. Everything turned out oké.

    Strange story about the kidney-lady. Here in the Netherlands there are a lot of people who go from door to door to ask for donations. There are rules though: they must have a licence and show it if you ask for it and there are certain periods in which they are allowed to ask for the donations. For example: one week for the kidneyfund and a few weeks later someone for the cancerfund can come by somewhere within a period of a week.

    The cupcakes look very yummie!!!

  20. Those cupcakes make my mouth water. And the square is like crochet sunshine. So lovely.

    Maybe it's the cynic in me but I think the "house number" bit was an attempt to coerce you into giving, just so your name wouldn't go on some "list."

  21. Hey, Love your blog. Where did you get the yarn for the Funky Doily Square ? Thanks so much , Judy ~~~

  22. Die Decke sieht wirklich nach Sonnenschein aus. Ich finde sie sehr schön, weil sie so schön schlicht ist. Mjam, mjam - diese Fabe......
    Ganz schön nett von Deinem Mann Dir SoWo mitzubringen!

    LG Heike

  23. What lovely colours, really looks like sunshine, something we need here desperately this time of year. I heard we have the possibility of snow tomorrow!

  24. About the donation thing--I saw something like this in _And So Goes the Nation_, a movie about the 2004 election. When the GOP canvassed Ohio (and other places, I guess) they had info on people down to the household. They used a similar tactic that went something like this:

    "Will you be voting for George Bush on Election Day?"

    "Um... no."

    "Really. I'm gonna have to write that down." (while marking up their list)

    Totally intimidation. Boo. The square looks great, though!
