Friday, April 25, 2008

It's Friday, it's a dogs day ...

... since there's nothing I want to show you on the fibery front today, lets talk about the birds and the bees, well the birds than. I know that Spring has sprung, when the ducks have come back to claim our unopened pool. I'm talking about one of the best known ducks in the world, the Mallard family.
Twice I've let the dogs out, and they didn't even notice the ducks waddling into the shade, and out of sight. There's always one pair. I saw the male swimming in the pool, while the female was sleeping in the shade (see right red arrow). I wanted to take a picture of HIM, when I opened the balcony door, all hell broke loose, and all of a sudden there where three ducks flying away in panic. I didn't see the other two at first at all. So there were two pairs. The female on the ground kept on sleeping. Her partner....

click for bigger picture

... came back immediately, after the first panic subsided. He resumed to paddle in the pool. Later in the afternoon, there where three males, and two females.

The SHE-dog gave me almost a heart attack. We were out playing fetch, YES, (she's doing great, no complains in the evening), when she thought the pool looked very nice, and got ready to jump in. There's only melted snow, and rain water in it, with lots of leaves and stuff. She was already at the edge, swaying back and forth, giving me a last look, and she must have seen in my face, that it would NOT be a good idea to follow through (the yelling might have helped her decicion too), so she grudgingly left, and went inside, to cool down. Now she's sulking. Of course she did that very same thing, in past years, even as early in Spring, when there was still a fine layer of ice on the water, when she jumped and broke in. Of course at those moments I'm always home alone. Silly dog.

Sam on the other hand, is shadow jumping already. The only time he likes the sun is here in this bed. I think it's cute, he looks so comfortable. It just looks like the same picture, without the Kitty bag, but it's not.
I let you go into the weekend now, with a picture of the Sacher Torte, which I made back in March, remember when I was talking about it? It was very delicious, if I say so myself. :o)

Now that it's nice outside, and there's lots to do in the front, and back yard, I spent less time on the computer. I'm sure you all feel the same this time of year. When it will get really hot though, I'll be spending more time inside again. Did I mention I hate the heat?

I haven't touched the double knitting scarf in days. It's about 15 inches long. Since I didn't knit, I've spun, actually, I'm going back and finish plying it right now. Have a nice weekend!


  1. I think my comment was eaten so here's a second one just in case. The doggies look so cute! I'm glad Biko listened about the pool. The ducks look fun to have around. Hopefully they're not too loud. Have a good weekend and I look forward to seeing the spinning!

  2. I want torte and nap with pup.

  3. i'm all about squishing that big mushroom nose of ms. biko and cuddling up with sam in the sun.

    don't our animals have the life?!!?

    as for not much time on the computer now that it's nicer out. i know what you mean! the yard keeps calling me on lovely weekends and evenings. jerk.

  4. Mayby the ducks will lay eggs in your yard.

    That torte looks yummy!

  5. Enjoy your lovely Spring weather and visiting ducks! It's nice to see Biko and Sam looking well and enjoying the good life!

  6. Boah, a nice piece of that cake would go really good with my coffee just about now. Happy spinning.

  7. Love the closeup of Sam. Very cute!

  8. Ah, you have the look the look that can stop a dog diving or put sheer terror into the heart of a child misbehaving in Assembly!!! So funny!! The Labradors think ducks are the most excellent things to chase. Poor Biko, but she must be feeling better!! Hi to Sam who has exactly the right idea!! Beautiful cake, it loos divine!!

  9. Nice pictures, I saw some ducks about a month ago flying North. There were pelicans flying with them. I thought that was kind of strange. Biko's nose is so cute with those little black freckles on it and I think Sam has the right idea.

    I know what you mean about spending less time on the computer during this time of year.

  10. I like this log, funny story about the dogs.

    I hate heat also and you can find me indoors then. Luckily it is always cool in our house because of the trees around the house.

    The Sacher Torte looks delicious!

    I hope to see some pictures of the result of your spinning soon.

  11. Amen, sistah! I hate heat, too, so I'm enjoying the cool spring we're having.

    So great about the ducks! We have a pair of Canadian geese on the pond in front of the building where I work, and yesterday I saw 4 fluffy little balls of goslings out nibbling grass under the watchful eyes of both parents. Gotta remember to bring my camera! They're right by the sidewalk where dozens of students pass by, but don't seem overly disturbed. They just give the students the evil eye to keep them off, I guess.

  12. Beautiful pool - sorry Biko can't go for a dip yet, but those Mallards are sure enjoying it! That torte is looking supremely yummy :)
