Friday, February 22, 2008

Coral Reef!

My creation

I love spinning pencil roving, and especially this blend (haven't had the pleasure of any other pencil roving yet). If you love to spin, and don't have a lot of time, this is perfect! You don't need to pre-draft anything, just sit down and go. It's lovely stuff, and I like it a lot. Of course Maggie's dye jobs are wonderful too, that makes it even more pleasurable.

I'm quite pleased with this yarn: 391yds, 2-ply, 15 WPI. I like the shine from the sea cell content. 70% superwash merino, 30% sea cell. This is the colorway "Coral Reef", as Maggie pointed out, and not "Fresh" as I called it before. I do have "Fresh" in my stash, but I'm saving it for last, since I've got 8oz of it, and this is only 4 oz.

Next on my spinning wheel is: "Sea Leaf" 4oz pencil roving, from Dyed in the Wool Handmade. Same as before merino/sea cell.

This past week, my daughter was home from University for reading week. She made these Knucks in two days. Now she's made something I haven't even tried yet - knitting fingers for her gloves, even if they are not up all the way to the finger tips, the process is the same. I saw a lot of ends to weave in. I think it will be a while for me to make some gloves. She stitched DUST on one mitt, and WIND on the other.
The doggies are taking a nap. Biko is bored out of her mind, but healing well.

Thank you all for your birthday wishes for my dad! He's had a great one I'm sure. :o) I wish you all a wonderful weekend! Oh, yeah! Spell checking is back! :o)

By the way, thank you Donni for nominating me for the "You Make My Day" award, as well as from Kelly, but the honor is more Biko and Sam's than mine. Thanks, girls!


  1. Beautiful spinning, and great colors! I'm anxious to see the next batch. ;)

  2. "All we are is DUST in the WIND. DUDE." - Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure

    Coral Reef turned out so pretty! Can't wait to see Sea Leaf because that one was my favourite.

  3. Beautiful yarn!

    Your daughter made nice knucks.

  4. Boy do you have great taste in colors!! Your pencil roving spinning is delish!!! Even the subdued colors of your dad's scarf are great! Pretty soon I'll have to call you a spinning diva too!! LOL!! I suppose I need to give credit to Maggie for creating them in the first place, eh? Kudos Maggie!
    At the risk of really dating myself - Dust in the Wind is a song from the Hotel California Album (song of the same name). Pre-dating Bill & Ted!(sorry, but I just had to say that!)

  5. Wow that came out great. I like the idea of pencil roving and that blend sounds very nice. I'm goign to have to cehck out that shop.

    Nice looking gloves. I've been toying with the idea of making some gloves that you knit the fingers first with i-cord.

  6. The spinning is beautiful. How lovely to see Sam keeping Biko company as she recovers! Hannah's mitts are too cute - does Dust and Wind mean anything? Name of a rock group, perhaps? I feel so old.

  7. oohhhh what WILL you make with that???
    Poor Biko, she'll be glad to be able to get back outside for a romp when she's better.

  8. Liebe Monika,
    Deine selbstgesponnene Wolle ist ein Traum - ich liebe diese Farben - einfach großartig!
    Auch die fingerlosen Handschuhe sind cool und das Bild von den beiden Hunden ist wirklich sehr anrührend. Sie sind zwei echte Schönheiten. Schön, dass Biko sich nun erholt.
    Ganz herzliche Grüße von

  9. Oh my god, that's gorgeous! I love the idea of spinning pencil roving, can't wait to see the next batch!

  10. Having been a diver over coral reefs I have to say that yarn looks just like the colors of a reef! Lovely stuff!

  11. Coral reef is pretty, but I like the next one better I think. That's too bad your doggies are getting bored. :-(

  12. I totally love Coral Reef! That's my kinda color.

    I'm glad Biko is healing well. They're such beautiful dogs!

  13. Don't be scared of gloves. The finger process is the same as adding a thumb to a mitten. No biggy. I like the color of the coral yarn and can imagine how much easier it must be to spin this roving.

  14. Beautiful colour on your spinning!

    Hve a great weekend!

  15. Cathcing up on my blog reading....glad to hear Biko is better. Steroids can definitely do the pee thing. We had a similar problem with a kitty once. Not fun. And most excellent Knucks.

  16. Your newly spun coral reef is very fine indeed :)

    Hannah did very good with her knucks...I'm not surprised considering she's your daughter!!

    Better days again for Biko....soon :)

  17. That Coral Reef is just so darn happy looking!

    Happy Belated Birthday to your Dad!

    And poor Biko! No painkillers? Even if you did have some at home - and yeah, who does? And why would they let you adminster her who knows what pain meds? ridiculous posturing CYA.

    But glad she's doing better now!

  18. "Dust" and "Wind" are from the Ramblin' Jack Elliot song Pastures of Plenty. "We come with the dust and we go with the wind... Love that song and had fun making these gloves, knuckle tattoos have so much meaning to the people who get by extension, these words mean a lot to me, but in this case on wool and not on skin...

  19. Liebe Monika,
    lese schon eine ganze Weile eher still mit. Bin begeistert von dieser Farbexplosion.Wundervoll geworden.

    LG Susi

  20. The spinning is beautiful. I'm putting that pencil roving on my "got to have it" list.

    The knucks look awesome. Your daughter did a wonderful job.

    Biko does look bored there but hopefully she will be able to run around again soon.

  21. The spinning is so gogeous. I wish I could do it! I need to learn one of these days--your finished product is so inspiring!

  22. Your yarn pictures are gorgeous as ever.

    Glad the pup has recovered well.

  23. You're spinning looks so good. I have some singles to finish and then ply. You're doing great!!

    Glad to hear you are doing well.

  24. Monica aka GP: Please don't assume I get my knowledge from Bill and Ted! The song is by Kansas, from the late 70s. I highly doubt it was on the album Hotel California, however, as that is by The Eagles.

    But thanks for your kind words about my dyeing! :)

    I don't know the song Hannah is referencing. I'm going to look it up!

  25. Yup Maggie! You're right about Kansas & the song! (blush! blush!) But it WAS a long time ago! LOL!! (should I remember everything??)

  26. Beautiful handspun! I love your daughter's "Knucks"! Very cool!
