Friday, February 15, 2008

Biko update!

Some of you might want to know how Biko is doing. She came out of surgery on Thurday fine. She's already walking outside to do her business, and her temperature is alright too. Now I'm sitting here by the phone, waiting for a call back, to learn when we can go pick her up. I hope it's soon. I miss her already. I've prepared her temporary loggings in the family room. She'll stay there with me or my son for the time being. I've schlepped down her futon bed, and her pillow bed as well, which both seem very comfortable to Sam, who snored away his boredom in both of them already.

That's all the knitting I've done since I finished the crochet scarf. First cuff of my Kool Aid socks. They will be plain vanilla socks, since the yarn is very busy, and I'm not capable of concentrating on complicated stuff right now.

I did however, spin a lot. So much so, that once again my right arm hurts from finger tips to shoulder. I'm seriously considering changing the routine up a bit, but it's so hard. I like spinning, and right now, that's what I want to do. >Pouting<

I'm working on catching up on my Club fiber. This is "Tainted Love" by Electric Sheep, 100% merino, 4oz, 229yds, 14 WPI (sport weight), 2-ply.

I had trouble filling the first bobbin. The fiber was sticky, but with the second bobbin it went fine. This yarn is thick and thin, not on purpose though. At first I really disliked spinning it (color), but am not totally displeased with the finished yarn.

Don't hold your breath to see something knit with it anytimes soon! It goes to all the other handspun skeins, waiting in a bin to see the light of day again.

My creation

And since there's never only one unpleasant event in our lives, I'm going to see the big, old scarry dentist woman. I'm not sure what I fear more, the drill, or her mind numbing chatter with her assistant, which makes me want to pass out every time. O.K. she's quite friendly, but I bring issues from the past with me, when it comes to dentists.

So, I think blogger thinks we are all spelling geniuses, because, surprise, still no working spell check.

I'm going to decide wether to pace up and down, until I get the phone call/and/or have to leave for the dentist, or sit and spin some. Oh, yeah, I've got wonderful fiber to spin, wanna see?

That's superwash merino/seacell pencil roving called "Fresh", and it is! Purchased at "Dyed in the Wool Handmade" link can be found on the side bar. I love to spin this stuff! Already on the second bobbin. Yum!


  1. i'm glad for the update. thank you. good to hear she's doing well.

    i can imagine you lugging her futon mattress all over. the things we do for our dogs...:)

    the spinning is lovely!

  2. I'm with you in regards to the dentist - I detest going and am terrified of the drill as well - it usually takes about 4 vials of novacaine before I allow them to touch me with it.

    Love the spinning - the bug is getting me more and more - I can't wait to give it a try

  3. Thanks for the update! Beautiful roving; I love those colors.

    I have bad dentist memories too. I went to a former Army dentist once whose wife was his assistant. They fought the entire time he worked on my tooth. It was scary!

  4. Good luck with the dentist :) it's not my favorite place to visit either.

  5. I'm so glad to hear that Biko is doing fine!

    I LOVE the pink/turquoise yarn.

    Have a great weekend :)

  6. When one of our three cats is at the vet, our house feels surprisingly empty. I can never fully relax until they're all home safe and sound! I'm so glad BIko's doing well.

    Ugh, the dentist! I have a real phobia of this and I can only see the dentist that knocks you out entirely. Two of my fillings recently cracked and I'm trying to drum up the nerve to make the appointment. Even though I'll be put under anasthetic to have it all done, I'm still so scared that I need to steel myself just to call the receptionist! I hate this fear.

    Yay! I can't wait to see how the pencil roving looks all spun up!

    (I had some problem posting this comment...hope it doesn't show up in triplicate!)

  7. I hope Biko is home soon. I'm sure Sam misses her too.

    I like the colors in the pencil roving, I'm with you on the other though, not my favorite. I've joined a 3 month fiber club and I'm hoping that I like the colors.

  8. So glad to hear Biko is doing so much better and the surgery went well. And don't feel bad about the dentist thing. You aren't alone. I white knuckle it every time. I do love your handspun. Gorgeous!

  9. SO glad to hear Biko is doing well! Thanks for the update and I hope she gets home soon also!
    Your spun yarn is gorgeous, I'm really lovin' that Fresh pencil roving, what...fresh... colours! heh.

  10. I hope Biko gets to come home soon. I'm so glad to hear that everything went fine with the surgery. The yarn you spun looks much nicer in yarn form than roving form. I agree with you on that! Can't wait to see the pencil roving. I'd probably be pacing, but you should be good and keep spinning. :-)

  11. I am happy to read the good news of Biko. Hope she can come home soon. Wish you a wonderful weekend.

  12. That pencil roving looks fabulous!

  13. Glad Biko is doing well! Mine is going to be spayed on Monday. The poor thing came from a shelter and has been in foster homes, so I have my fingers crossed that she doesn't think I'm giving her away!

  14. I like a lot of your pink-green yarn. Colours are lovely together.

  15. What a relief to have Biko's surgery over and have her doing so well! Marvelous news - once you have her home she will soon be her old self :) Love your new handspun yarn - very very pretty!

  16. Yay that Biko came through! And hopefully home soon. I hope your dentist visit was painless and mercifully short.

  17. Hurray! for good Biko news and I totally sympathize with you on the dentist. Ack! I have issues, as well.

  18. Glad to hear that Biko is doing well. Hopefully she gets to come home and enjoy the new digs soon.

    I know what you mean about dentists, every time I step in their offices I come out with a root canal. Or at least that's the way it feels.

    Love the spinning, I think that colorway is great...and such a great name Tainted Love. Can't wait to see what the pencil roving looks like a spun up.

  19. Definitely have Biko on my mind!!! Hope she is home by now and that you survived the dentist.

  20. I'm glad to hear Biko is making good preogress and that Sam is coping so well!!!!! Nice dyeing and sock knitting too!!

  21. I'm so glad Biko's surgery went well.

    Add another one that really dislikes going to the dentist 8P.

    Ohhh, that pencil roving looks so fun. One of these days I'm going to try to get some pencil roving. It looks like it would be so nice to spin.

  22. Glad Biko is doing well. Beautiful yarn - I'm hoping to get some spinning time in this weekend - seeing yours is very inspiring!

  23. I'm delighted to hear that Biko is doing well. I hope she's home soon.

    Love the Fresh roving.

  24. ooh that fresh looks interesting, I can't wait to see it spun up.

    I realized this week that without spell checker in my many applications I'm a spelling moron. Thank goodness for FireFox so you guys don't know it when I leave comments!

  25. Glad Biko is doing so well. Your koolaid sock looks wonderful. Plain vanilla is therapeutic :) Love your newly spun yarn, but do be careful. Maybe you need a hand brace? That might help.

  26. Dentist? Ignore the chatter - an MP3 player is not just for airplane flights!
    If you don't have one, borrow one, it makes a world of difference!
    Enjoy the spinning.

  27. That yarn is so much more pleasing to the eyes ;). I'm glad Biko is ok and I wonder if Sam is going to move in onto the futon as his new sleeping quarters? Take it easy on the spinning arm. Wouldn't want you to have to pause on that for a while.

  28. Glad to hear Biko is better. The socks and the roving are so fun and colorful! Sorry the dentist is such a drag; I just went last week. I was taking advantage of the chatter by asking questions so I had more time to rest in between the cleaning.
