Thursday, January 24, 2008

And the Award goes to ...

Deb gave me this cute award, and I thank her, and pass it on to ten other people, who's blogs I read every day (or as often as they blog). They inspire me, and entertain me, and even teach me, as well as the award button so nicely says, they "make my day"! Michelle - My Boring Life

Angelika - Knit Wiz

Shannon - Our World

Monica - Chronicles of the Lazy Knitter

Hege - Heges Hobbykrok

Claudia - TheKnittingBlogbyMrPuffytheDog

Maggie - Dyed in the Wool Handmade

Elemmaciltur - Numenna-Nan Annun

Kelly - Celtic Cast On

Larry - KnitDad's Blog

It's always hard to choose so few, but rules are rules, and it says ten. So here they are.


  1. monika, i am honored! i really, truly am!

    you inspire me each and every post you write.

    thank you!

  2. Thank you so much Monika! What a sweet award to receive - it's nice to know people enjoy what I do :)

  3. Thanks Monika! Yay! I will pass it forward as soon as I get back from my trip this weekend. :)

  4. Thank you very much! I'm posting about it soon.

  5. Thanks so much. I'm always glad some people find my ramblings entertaining enough to keep checking in.

  6. Thanks, Monika! I'm honored. I feel that I get a lot more from your blog than you could possibly get from mine. I meant to email you this morning but somehow my day got away from me. I'm working on my list of blogs that inspire me, amuse me, entertain me and/or educate me. Thanks again for the honor.

  7. awwwww thanks Monika!! My first ever award, and what a nice one it is :)
    Thank you!

  8. Thank you! So sweet. :-) I'll definitely be passing this on soon! I definitely feel inspired reading your blog as well.

  9. Thank you so much! You truly inspire me too ((hugs))
    I'll post about it over the weekend.

    Have a great saturday!
