Monday, July 02, 2007

Rockin' Girl Blogger!

Sophia, of Yarn Over Manhattan (she of the roving giving goodness, and knitting violinist, who'd like to do both at the same time) nominated me for: I'm honored, of course, as I read it, my cheeks were as pink as the button! This is kind of like a meme, but it's not, because it's about other bloggers, so I'm glad to pick my 5 nominees. Of course, there are so many, hard to choose, really, and to top it off, Sophia would have been one of my choices, as well as Dipsy Doodle, but both are nominated already. Now lets see, I read a lot of blogs, and please don't take it personally, one just has to make a choice:

Pat is a home schooling mother and wonderful knitter as well as quilter, and I'm sure she does lots more. I especially like her socks, they are all just wonderful. She's taking a break from blogging right now, which I totally understand. I hope she'll be back soon, because I'll miss her posts.

Heike is a German blogger. She is the fastest knitter I know off. Her sweaters are all beautiful, I would like to have them all, but her socks, and now lace shawls, are all beautifully knit. She's also knitting the Mosaic Blanket in red and orange, yummy!

Mariella is one prolific knitter! She's supporting Native American with her knitting, and colorful it is. I love her blankets, but she's always trying to find new ways to knit mittens, baby sweaters, and hats (and lots of other stuff). I'm still waiting for her to finish her "Curve of Pursuit" blanket, though! ;o)

Shannon is a long time reader, and I love to go to her blog, since she takes wonderful pictures of yarn, her projects and just anything which catches her eyes. She has a dog named Sherman, which we don't see pictures off enough. But he's really very photogenic. I adore his pictures, especially the one where he's drinking cold water from a bottle! Shannon uses the most wonderful yarn for her projects, and me thinks, I infected her with the "blanket knitting bug"! ;o)

And there's Kathy. I love her pictures as well. They are wonderful to look at, but I like her pets most. Especially Kishka, she, who sleeps in the weirdest positions. Kathy's knitting for charity a lot, and makes funky socks for herself.

Well, I could go on and on, because my favorite bar is really long. But that's it for me.

Thank you, Sophia for nominating me, and now it's your turn Ladies! ;o)


  1. Congratulations! Well deserved!

  2. Congratulations....and thank you!!!
    (I totally embarrassed myself and changed my mind yesterday) - see you in 2 weeks.

  3. Congratulations to you and thank you for mentioned me! :)

  4. Wow!! Das ist ja toll. Da kann ich nur gratulieren. Wenn jemand das verdient hat, dann Du!

  5. Congratulations, Monika! And good choices for your noms too.
