Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Title, title, need a title ....

I don't want to, but I have to, posting every day I mean. Yesterday the postman brought me a little package with this, above yarn. It's from Cindy. Remember, the blogiversary contest she held, and I won this gorgeous yarn. I've knitted the "Fluted Banister" socks for my mom with the same colorway. It's Trekking color # 78. I had a hard time giving them away. This time I'll keep the socks for myself. The other yarn is Debbie Bliss merino dk, 100% Merino wool. I'm not quite sure what I'll do with it, but I think it will be a hat out of "Hats On!". Looking forward to knitting with it. There was also this cute little personalized note card and a calling card included. What a great idea! Thanks again, Cindy! ;o)

Now, for this picture. I can't say that there's not a single black hair on Sam. Today I plucked this black and white hair off his back. I've found hairs like this before. Can anybody explain to me how this is possible?

Totally off subject here, I was thinking the other day. Yes, I do that on occasion. Don't you think retailers must rub their hands together, when thinking of the blogging community, and I don't mean only the knitting community, because the retailers get so much free advertisement. If somebody, like say, I, praise a tool, lets say the "FURminator", others see it and will want to have it as well and so on. And that goes for anything! - End of thought. ;o)

On the knitting front: I've finished the mate to my single sock. It's blocking right now. "Hanging out" with its mate in the sunshine on the balcony. ;o)


  1. hummmm can't explain the black hair. You aren't anywhere near me in Canada are you??? Don't want to be missing out on a potential knitting/doggy date :)

  2. Oooooh, such lovely yarn you won! I love the socks you knit for your mom. Yes, indeed, I think the retailers love it when bloggers praise their product. It is free advertising, after all. Sometimes I think people aren't really aware of how large blogland is. I would never have found dozens of etailers of yarn had I not read about them on someone's blog.

  3. for me, i will check out the yarns if i can find them at my LYS, but i don't order online. i'm a super tactile person and have to feel everything prior to purchase. i always go in with clean hands!

    as for the black hair...have no clue, but one of our cats always has at least two black whiskers mingled in with all his white ones (he's an orange tabby).

  4. You are most welcome! :)

    Maybe white dogs get black hair instead of gray? ;)

    You are so right about blogs and their retail influence! There are so many things I've learned about knitting from blogs that I wouldn't have known otherwise that I can't even begin to list them. That includes yarns, techniques, sources for materials, you name it.

    I swear, I don't know how I ever managed life without the Internet! :)

  5. Are White German Shepards descendants of 'regular' GS? The black hair would probably be a recessive gene then.
    That Trekking is absolutely gorgeous!!!
    I'm trying to convince my husband he wants a Furminator, but he likes to shave our Golden Retriever. I think right now, anyway, he just needs a really good brushing, and that looks like it would help.

  6. Lovely yarn. Yes, you must definitely keep this pair for yourself.

  7. Love those socks. Such pretty colors.

    The white shepard I had, never had black fur; but he did have a small patchof yellowish colored fur on his back.

  8. It's the white turning black or vice a versa. Odd.

    Oooh, lovely prize!

    Don't remind me of shopping on the net. I spend way more on yarn because of online-ness than I would in my regular LYS. Which, mind you, are pretty fabulous in themselves.

  9. That is a gorgeous colorway! Glad you are keeping it for yourself this time :)

    happy knitting :)

  10. I've got the same colorway in the stash. It's lovely in the Fluted Banister pattern. I knitted them for my mom a while back and may have to do them again since seeing your photos.

    Sam's black and white hair is caused by the hair bulb stopping its' production of melanin over a period of time. Melanin is colors not only hair but skin. It's not an abrupt process since hair takes a while to grow which explains the length and change. Hope the info helps.

  11. Isn't #78 gorgeous? I just used it for my Blackberry Waffles! :)

  12. Oh, what a gorgeous yarn - I totally adore this colourway and the socks too of course! Yay for making a pair for yourself now!
    This is highly strange indeed about Sam's black/white hair - no explanation here I'm afraid ;(

  13. New to your blog. Came from Bev's comments to you. I love your dogs and your incredible socks. Pleased to meetcha!

  14. Taenzer's got tail hair like Sam's, but she's black and silver, so you'd almost expect some bi-colored hair. I think it's very cool.
    And beautiful yarn. Definitely hog it for yourself!
