Thanks to my DS David it's assembled now. He asked to show you the next picture and ask, if he got the cable around the big wheel right. So, did he?

Aaah! But look at this beautiful roving! I'm so in Love with this. It's merino/silk blend in the colores lichen and glacier. It's sooo soft and the darker (lichen) color is my absolute favorite ever! Even better than orange! I want to sleep on it! I want to wind it around me, but wait! I'm supposed to spin this into lace weight yarn or something, so I can knit a shawl. I could wrap myself in it! I'm afraid to spin it. I don't want to mess it up, or loose even a Gram of it. Have to wait until I get better at spinning, but having this before my eyes it spurns me on to get going. Not tonight though! Having the wheel in the house is close enough for now. Maybe tomorrow we'll have a chat, one on one.

Is there an equivalent to Knit Picks for purchasing spinning fiber?

Stay tuned for the painted shawl revelation! It's still blocking, hope it will be dry and ready for a photo shoot later today.
Also, hi to Dina in KC, MO! I guess I'm going to respond to people who can't be reached, because I don't know their e-mail or blog, in my posts from now on. Thanks for your comment, Dina, and you are lucky to have a spinning wheel from your grandfather! Go oil it and have a go at it! I know my great grandmother used to spin, she let me try it once, I can remember that, but after that I never saw her or anybody else in the family spin. There was a time where a spinning wheel in the corner of the living room, was all the rage. My parents had one too. I liked to push the treadle as a child and let the wheel go faster and faster. They had flax hanging on it, for decoration. Wow, the memories!
We have the same wheel, too! Wow. I found, in my grandfather's stash - two fabulous books on spinning, weaving and dyeing. Also got a lazy kate (used for plying) - your rovings are so very, very pretty!
ReplyDeleteI think I actually gasped when I saw my name on your blog this morning. Thanks for taking the time to say hello. You didn't have to do that.
Dina in KC, MO
Fantastic! I don't know if the cable is right or not. Never learned that much about the mechanics before I gave up spinning. But I had a wheel very similar to yours. I traded it for a one of a kind wheel which I have since given to a friend in Virginia. Anyway, your enthusiasm is such a delight. You'll be spinning lace weight in no time.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations - Your new wheel is beautiful!! I can totally understand your intimidation...I think I would just stare at it for a few days before taking the big step!! Have fun !!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! Your wheel looks terriffic. I tried spinning a while back with a spindle. I never had the perseverence. The results were bulky and slubby, with over spun bits and under spun bits ...
ReplyDeleteMaybe I will pick my spindle up in a year or two.
Btw I ordered my fibre from Hello Yarn, she has really great service - fast and helpful.
The transition of dialog from this..
ReplyDelete"What's that for?" asked David. "Don't know", said I.
to this...
Thanks to my DS David it's assembled now
had me laughing so hard.
"What's it for?" "Don't know, but you're putting it together."
It's beautiful though. My aunt had one, but she gave it away. ugh, if only she held onto it for a few more years I could have taken it.
Love the Lichen color. It's the same color I'm going to use for my shawl. I don't think I'm going to ply it at all though, I want to keep it thin as possible.
hehe..my husband would love underwear out of it.
that roving is gorgeous! you wlil totally be able to spin enough!!! the wheel is lovely as well, of course.
ReplyDeleteWow! That's awesome!!!! Congratulations! (it's like a new baby or something - ha!) I bet your learning curve is going to be less than normal since you've spindle spun. Have fun with it this weekend!
ReplyDeleteYippee Skippee she (he?) has arrived!!
ReplyDeleteWow! What a gorgeous spinning wheel! I hope you have lots of fun using it!
ReplyDeleteYour new wheel looks wonderful!!
ReplyDeleteI think learning to wheel-spin is easier after drop spindling, so I'm betting you'll catch on extremely quickly.
Your yarns looks wonderful!
A tip to get your singles off the spindle - a drinking straw taped over the shaft will hold the cingles and allow them to slip right off when you are finished spinning. You can then put a skinny knitting needle thru the straw and it will hold the cop so you can ply. I'm not a spindle spinner, but I have picked up a few tips along the way.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your new wheel - I remember when I got my first brand new wheel - it was a very exciting time! :) Soon you will be spinning like a pro on it.
Oh wow, welcome to your new family member and congratulations! that roving looks gorgeous.
ReplyDeleteGreat! You are going to have a great itme with that wheel! I love the fiber you have. Lichen is a perfect description for that color! I can't wait to see it all spun up.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the new wheel! I think you are going to love it.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your new wheel! And I love the green rovings too!
ReplyDeleteSupertolles Spinnrad!! Ich habe zwar keine Ahnung davon, aber sieht richtig profimässig aus. Auch die Rohwolle, die dabei war, sieht schön aus. Bin schon gespannt, wie sie gesponnen aussieht. Ich wünsche Dir auf jedenfall viel Spaß und Erfolg mit dem neuen Spinnrad.