Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Basketweave Drawstring Bag!

Hi, I'm back! Can't shake the tiredness out of my bones today. Maybe that is because Sam gave me a jump start this morning. Out of deep sleep to the sounds of dry heaving. We just made it out the door, everything in our way flying in all directions. Blurry eyed and with hair pointing in all directions I had to watch him pee and sniff, and - nothing else. But we had this same scenario before. The hoopla of getting outside in time makes it all go away (but not every time). I give both of them their food twice a day, because I know, that they will vomit orangey slime, if it's been too long since they had their last meal. Well, that was my morning awakening!
On to nicer things. I made this little baggy out of the book "Folk Bags" by Vicki Square. It's called Basketweave Drawstring Bag, and I made the little one. It's 10" by 8", and if you think this was a fast knit, you are dead wrong! It's the stitch pattern you know, it takes forever while at the same time crippling your fingers. I'm serious! But I survived and I do love the outcome.
Now, I had to choices how to present it to you. First, I could have filled it with sparkling gem stones, or I could use some doggie treats. Hm, tough choice! ;o)
I'm still working my way through my knitting books, one down, a million to go.
The yarn I've used, you want to know? It's Endless Summer Collection - Luna, color # 9762, 4 1/2 balls! of it (double strand). It's a viscose/cotton blend. The bag, as small as it is, weighs heavy in your hands, even without any treats in it. It's lovely and I like bags in all sizes.
I've also finished my Sakura Triangle Shawl, it's still blocking; have to get the pins out today. I'm waiting for nice sunshine and Hannah to come home, so I can take pictures. I've even written down the instructions and will post as soon as there are some pictures.
And, drum roll please, I've unpacked my new sewing machine and made two little bags for one sock project each. Have to take pictures as well, as soon as I've better light around here.
Now that there's no rain or snow for once, I should hot foot it to the garden and do some work there.

This little princess can make you feel guilty, even if you just served her a meal on a silver tray! She's dreaming of doing this...

Playing ball, always, all the time!

Sam's just happy with his red rubber ball. You see what Easter looked like around here?! Flurries every day, melting around noon, but still icy cold, all the time.


  1. What a perfect thing to put in your lovely new bag. Makes perfect sense to me. I know the feeling of leaping out of bed to the deep sound of Wolfie retching by the back door. For some reason, I'm atune to it. Sometimes we have made it, and sometimes we haven't.

  2. The little bag is great.

    Sherman has the same problem wiht an enpty tummy. I usually slip him a little snack before bef if I want to sleep in a little.

  3. What a cute bag! Sorry about your harsh awakening - but it's good it wasn't anything serious. I can't wait to see your shawl!

  4. moni, du hast recht. ich hätte statt "tiere" "katzen" schreiben sollen - bei hunden weiss ich nämlich gar nicht so wirklich, wie das mit dem trofu ist. bei katzen kann es durchaus fatal sein, weil die so wahnsinnig anfällig für cni u.ä. sind. mir war mal, als hätt ich nen wert von 30% der 8jährigen und älter gelesen, die cni haben bzw. bekommen. fast immer wird es zu spät erkannt; der tod auf nieren- und organversagen ist wirklich nicht schön und ne fiese quälerei (dazu hab ich einiges zu Smillas zeiten geschrieben). sich nen kopf zu machen, was das tier frisst, ist schon viiiiiel mehr als 99% der tierbesitzer tun. das hatte ich grad heut wieder, vor allem was das bewusstsein für tiere auf dem land angeht ;o/ darüber könnte ich endlos schreiben, aber ich lass es an dieser stelle einfach.

    hab einen schönen abend und pass weiter gut auf deine zwei weissen schönheiten auf ;o) liebe grüsse für dich - was macht der schnee?

    PS: dein täschchen find ich lustig. sowas müsst ich mir auch ma basteln, fürs clickertraining. hihi.

  5. Cute little bag. I love the doggie treats coming out, fun picture.

  6. I like that bag...very nice :)

    happy knitting :)

  7. i love that bag and the color.

    those are some great shots, too.

    the dogs are presh as always!

  8. Wow, what an absolutely beautiful bag this is! And I'm totally stunned and impressed by how fast you're knitting! I love the stitch pattern as well as the colour!

  9. Huhu Monika,

    oh! Das ist ja ein hübsches Teilchen! Und wieder sehr schön präsentiert. Ich wüsste jetzt zwar so spontan nicht was ich in so ein Täschchen packen sollte aber es gefällt mir einfach total gut. Das Muster ist interessant - das sieht recht stabil aus. Klasse Idee..

    begeisterte Grüsse von Heike

  10. As it happens, I have the book. I just don't know exactly where it is but as soon as I find it I'm going to try that bag. The Spanish Dancer shawl is nearing the end so I'll be needing something that isn't all garter stitch.

  11. What a cute bag. I bet the dogs love what has been put inside. The basket weave is lovely and the color perfect. Great pictures!

  12. lovely little bag! your photos are just gorgeous, too!

  13. That's a lovely little bag, I'm sure the dogs appreciate all those yummy treats!
