Thursday, December 14, 2006

I've got mail!

First of, what to do, if you are condemned to be a couch potato, living in the living room and can't sleep one more minute? Well, kill your favorite plush - chew - toy, of course. First goes the ear, and after the stuffing was flying through the air, I had to take it away from him. So sad. Bad boy!

Look what I've got. Some more Cherry Tree Hill Super Glitz sock yarn in four different colors! I might even make a pair of socks with it! ;o)

And this was a total surprise, but a nice one! Connie of Pick Up Sticks sent me these lovely stitch markers. Aren't they cute? I LOVE the little mitten and the ball of yarn with the needles in it! Thanks so much, Connie!

Although I did a lot of knitting, there are no pictures to show you this time. I don't like WIP pictures very much. So please be patient!


  1. Good pictures - I can see the sparkles ....can't wait for the glitzy socks! I just bought my first skein of Cherry Tree Hill sock yarn - ooooweee what nice yarn!

  2. Those are really cute stitch markers. I love interwoven things.
    And poor Sam, but I think the confinement is as hard or harder on you than on him.
    Stay well.

  3. Ooooh, I love the Super Glitz sock yarn! Have you made socks from it before? Is it itchy to wear? I can see some serious stash enhancement in my future. And your "bad boy" is so cute. The only thing we can give Wolfie is a Kong toy. He destroys everything else.
    Sue J.

  4. At least it's not malice - it's boredom. Poor Sam. Poor Plushie toy.

    Those are cute stitch markers! And your Sam & Biko Howling At The Stars hat is very cute.

  5. Fabulous sock yarn and wonderful stitch markers. Lucky you.

    Sam's had a very rough time lately, guess he had to take his frustrations out on someone :(

    Happy knitting :)

  6. What pretty stitch markers and yarn! I have been curious about the Glitz myself...I'm looking forward to seeing what you knit with it!

  7. I love WIP pictures! Showing the process of knitting is fun to me! :-)

    Those stitch markers are awesome! You are a lucky ducky! :-)

