Wednesday, November 08, 2006

"A Step Above" are done!

Here you go. I'm as happy as a kid in a candy store!
They are not exactly alike, the first one was the guinea - pig and the second one went faster. I did the heel last with the second sock. Boy, picking up the heel stitches is annoying as hell. Not my favorite thing to do. The heel knits up nicely though. I did improve my grafting skills.
The fit is great. Very warm, soft and comfortable.

click on picture for a closer look

And here is the first of my new pair of socks. I've knit the toe of the second one also, because it's easier to overcome the second sock syndrome. It's another chevron pattern. More about that, when the socks are done. The colorway is lovely, it's KnitPicks Sock Garden - Pansy.

And here is Sam, longingly looking out the window, because Biko and David just left for a walk. He's very comfy sitting on the Sofa. ;o) Tomorrow is his big day. Surgery!


  1. I really like the socks. They're quite amazing.
    Good luck to Sam (and to you for the recovery period)

  2. Beautiful socks! I love those.

    I'll keep Sam in my thoughts! I'm sure all will turn out okay.

  3. The socks are awesome - congratulations on getting that 2nd one done so quickly!
    I hope all goes well tomorrow morning.

  4. Die Socken sind Dir echt gut gelungen. Die Wolle von Deinem neuen Paar Socken gefällt mir sehr gut.
    Ich wünsche Dir und Sam, dass er die OP heute gut übersteht. Wir drücken alle die Daumen.

  5. They look fantastic, and the fit is wonderful -- well done!

  6. those look like they were a riot to make! they're beautiful. and they fit you just perfect. the colours are quite fun as well.

  7. Great socks! Those chevron ones looks fantastic too!

    I hope Sam's surgery went well!
    Best wishes,

  8. You've turned out another great project!! Love the socks!! Sam looks so cool sitting there on the
    sofa! Hope he is mending well
    after his surgery.
    Delores in Oklahoma

  9. They look great Monika! I like your new ones too!

    Good luck Sam, the P-Man and I will be thinking about you!

  10. Ribbed entrelac socks? Wowza.

    I hope Sam had a successful surgery and is just resting up.
