Thursday, November 02, 2006

Sam - update!

Thanks everyone for wishing Sam well. Last night he was hopping around on three legs, pulling in his hind leg. Today we saw the vet and now we know, that Sam will have surgery sometime next week. I'm waiting for the vet to call with the exact date. For now Sam is on pain killers and he's only allowed to go outside to do his business. He behaved very well at the vet's, they love him there, he's a sweetheart.


  1. Is it cruciate ligament (ACL)? There's a lot of work for you in the recovery, but I'm only guessing. My dog had ACL done on both knees, but they've really changed procedures since then. Good luck to Sam and you.

  2. Oh, poor Sam! I have all my fingers crossed over here that everything goes well with his surgery, hoping that he'll recover quickly! All the best to him!
