Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Sam news!

We just got home from the Vet's. That's the place Sam goes to, when he wants peace and quiet. He's too big for the crate, but he still chooses to go in there. We have a bigger one as well, but - NO! Anyway, he'll have another surgery the coming Monday. He's still not using his leg. So, lots of rest and hopefully this time all will go well.
He's already snoring behind me. At least he's at home with us for now.


  1. poor sam,
    best wishes!

  2. poor Sam and poor you! This is nerve-wracking, so good luck.

  3. ahh poor pooch (and you). i really hope everything goes well and he has a speedy recovery.

  4. Thats too bad! I hope this surgery does the trick. I feel for the poor guy..

  5. Oh no! How awful to have to go through surgery again; hope it goes well!

  6. I hope all goes well on Monday - Best Wishes to Sam (and you)!

  7. oh no! poor Sam! I hope his leg situation improves and that everything goes smoothly with the surgery.

  8. Oh, poor little Sam! I have all my fingers crossed that the next surgery will work out and he'll be doing much better afterwards! All the best to him!
