Friday, October 13, 2006


Dave is not the only one gobsmacked! I just received today's mail. I haven't even thanked Sybille yet, I had to show you first.
It's not even my birhtday yet (coming up in November), but the last time Sybille sent me something it took 8 weeks to get here. She didn't take any chances this time! ;o)
We were supposed to swap a magazine and look what I've got! There are magazines AND a book mostly about sock knitting, yeah, a pair of socks Sybille made with self dyed yarn, some sock yarn in VERY nice colors (fall colors which I love), a cute card AND some treats for Biko and Sam. That's just more than generous. I thank you very much, Sybille, from the bottom of my heart! You're the best internet friend one could wish for! ;o)

If the "sock" fits, you better wear it!

My large feet are toasty warm, just in time, since it's snowing already and the wind is whistling through all nucks and crannies.


  1. You lucky girl!! What a fun package - the socks are beautiful and the sock yarn looks like it will make some great socks. And I'm guessing YOU can read the German book and magazines. Have Fun...

  2. Wow, very nice! Surprises are so much fun :-)

  3. Ohhhhhhhhh, wie schööööööööööön !!!!!

    Musst Du glücklich sein :)!

    Über dieses tolle Päckli hätte ich mich auch wahnsinnig gefreut !
    Auch die Farben sind super schön!

    Ich bin schon gespannt darauf, was Du aus der schönen Wolle zaubern wirst!!!

    Ganz liebe Grüße
    aus dem nebligen Weimar


  4. Oh Mann, diemal war die Post aber ungewöhnlich schnell. Ich hoffe Du hast ein wenig Freunde mit den Sachen und den Strickheften. Und werde schnell wieder gesund!!

  5. Wow, what a whole lot of goodies you received, you're one lucky gal indeed! The socks are totally beautiful, I so love the color as well as the pattern! Enjoy everything!

  6. What a yummy looking gift package!

  7. Oh, awesome! I love those socks!
