Sunday, October 01, 2006

Bedbugs Scarf!

Voila! My lacey bedbugs scarf is blocked and done! In the beginning it was supposed to be Evelyn Clark's "Trellis" scarf, but I soon discovered, that I'm not going to waste my time by fiddling with the K7tog's. It was just not going to happen. So what to do? I was all reved up for lace knitting. So I decided to make my very own lace scarf.

To the right you can see the bedbugs blocking on a mattress. The stitch pattern was not difficult, thank god! A little bit of sunshine this morning and fresh air.

pattern: my own

yarn: Knit Picks Alpaca Cloud (100% Baby Alpaca) 1 skein! with about 3 yds left.

needles: 3.75mm

size: blocked 13 1/2" X 52"

It's very airy and so soft. It has many mistakes and it's not a master piece, but very much a learning experience for me. For one, in the future I'll try to avoid borders which have to be sewn on. It was my first time grafting anything and it's not so bad, unless it's lace weight yarn! I'm not afraid of grafting anymore, which opens my horizon for the future. I'm happy it's done and over with.


  1. It is gorgeous! I honestly like your stitch pattern better than the trellis lace pattern! and no K7tog - you were smart to make the decision you did! I've never grafted lace so you are way ahead of me there. Looks like you're a better blocker and photographer than me too. Nice job!!

  2. The scarf is gorgeous! And you made up the pattern? I'm very impressed.

  3. It's beautiful! Now I want to start a lace project.

  4. Bedbugs blocking on a mattress sounds like the way it should be - that would be one bedbug you'd want to have! It looks gorgeous, Monika.

  5. das ein traumschal...ich bin ja nur auf die bilder angewiesen, denn mein englsich ist beschei....sieht echt superschön aus....

  6. Wow that is a lovely scarf!

  7. Your scarf is beautiful. I've tried a couple lace pieces and keep tearing them out because I miscount or SOMETHING. I do want to knit lace, and will keep trying from time to time until I master it. Congratulations.

    Der Schal ist Dir total gut gelungen, der sieht ja traumhaft aus!!!
    Ich glaube, ich muß jetzt auch so einen Schal stricken.

  9. What talent and look at the dogs.
    I have a dog too and I luv animals.
    I have two left hands; I admire your work.

    Cathy (also in Ontario)

  10. Ich toller schal. Wunderschön!
    LG Petra

  11. Hallo Monika,

    der Schal sieht traumhaft aus und diese superdünne Wolle, das war bestimmt viel Arbeit. Großes Kompliment! Bin schon gespannt auf das Dreiecktuch.

    Viele Grüße und eine schöne Woche

  12. Der Schal sieht einfach supertoll aus!!
    Und dann noch dein eigenes Muster,

  13. That is a fantastic scarf! So elegant and beautiful! And only one skein??? What talent!

  14. das ist ja ein wunderschöner Schal - gratuliere. Vielen Dank noch für den Eintrag in meinem Blog - hab mich sehr gefreut :-)

    Liebe Grüsse aus der Schweiz - Manuela

  15. Love the scarf! Will you be sharing the pattern with your fans? :)

  16. Absolutely lovely!!!

  17. wow. it just turned out beautiful! I'm so impressed that it's your own pattern. Very nice!

  18. congratulations!!!
    it is beautiful!

  19. That scarf is beautiful. It makes me want to get my lace scarf back out and work on it.

  20. Life is too short to K7 tog!I didn't notice a single mistake and the only reason you do is because you know exactly where to look.You did an excellent job!

  21. Wahnsinn - wunderschön !!!!!
    susi und sofia
    sofia hat befürchtungen, dass dir ihr schal,den sie für dich strickt, nicht gefallen wird ....

  22. I wouldn't mind having bedbugs like this. Very very pretty!

  23. Klasse sieht der Schal aus.

    Wäre schön, wenn es dazu eine Anleitung, bzw. Strickschrift geben würde.


