Friday, September 01, 2006

I love to swap (I don't like the Post Office and it's ridiculous postage)

I have to thank Judith for this lovely swap. She had those little pocket books on her blog and asked if someone would like to trade. And of course, as soon as I saw this little cute doggy on one of them, I'd wanted to swap.
As I was opening the envelope there was this unmistakably smell of Lavender, and I almost fell asleep right then (I'm sooo tired lately) but the excitement of opening this package was too much. She even gift wrapped it in a nice paper! So, out came this cute card, a knitted flower pin (very delicate), a shower gel from Weleda and a heart shaped lavender sachet and also a little pouch with an assortment of buttons! Everything was so lovingly wrapped and smelled so good, it was just a real pleasure to open and receive this gift/swap package.
Thank you, Judith!

My daughter, Hannah slipped into her cardigan. It's size petit and fits her very well. She likes the asymmetrical pattern (I'm glad, since she choose it).
And I'm off, knitting - whatever. ;o)


  1. Looks like a great swap.
    The cardigan looks great!

  2. Hey, du bist aber schnell!
    Bei mir gibt es leider erst morgen
    einen Blogeintrag und Fotos.
    Schön, dass dir die Sachen gefallen.

    Die Strickjacke steht deiner Tochter wirklich gut!

  3. Cute cardigan! And nice swap!

  4. Gorgeous cardigan; it looks great! Sorry about your allergies; I hope you feel better soon!

  5. Hallo Monika,
    toll steht der Cardigan Deiner Tochter! Hier ist es heute richtig herbstlich verregnet und ich könnte meine Jacke gut gebrauchen - das wird aber noch dauern.

    LG Heike

  6. The cardigan looks great on your daughter, I love the asymmetrical shape, it's really what makes me want to knit this one!!!

  7. I love the sweater! The color is beautiful.

  8. The cardigan looks so nice on Hannah. Great color choice and style.

  9. The cardigan is adorable! I love the color.

  10. Thanks for the pointer about how the cardigan drapes. It looks great on your daughter and the colour is so vibrant!

  11. The sweater looks great! You should be very proud.

  12. The cardigan looks great on your daughter. Another addition to my never ending list of items to knit.

  13. this is GORGEOUS, I want to knit this but the purl sticth makes my shoulder all wacked out - (bracitis - blech!) so I am going to try the phyllo yoked pulloever. (I can do it in the round...)

  14. It turned out beautiful! I am working on that sweater right now...but I am struggling a bit. I was wondering if you ran into any problems with the chart? I am doing the left front and casting on stitches for the arm...but I don't understand how the chart still works when you are adding stitches 2 at a time? And the way the chart looks some of the "special stitches" get cut in half when working the petite size...which i think means you just knit them? but when i did that at first I ended up with "blank" spaces. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!! (p.s. my email is

    again..congrats on how well yours turned inspired me to knit one myself!!
