Monday, August 07, 2006

Free "Her-scarf" pattern posted!

Wow, writing that pattern took some discipline on my side. And it wasn't so bad after all. You can find it on the side bar under "Free pattern". I would love to see pictures of your versions!

On another note: This was at 9AM this morning. It was hot, humid, hazy and did I mention - hot?! Biko was playing with her tennis ball and Sam had his big red rubber ball. After the photo session Biko went for a swim (click the picture and see the down pour). Sam went straight for the door and went inside (A/C). Ha! I was not far behind.

There will be pictures of new knitting soon.

Don't sweat it! ;o)


  1. Don't sweat it indeed! I am "glowing" just sitting here in front of the computer! Summer....

  2. Hallo Monika,
    Du, Sam und Biko tun mir richtig leid. Ich hoffe für Euch, dass es sich bald etwas abkühlt. Ständige Hitze kann unerträglich sein. Wie es aussieht, ist die Hitze bei uns vorbei. Seit einer Woche haben wir angenehme 21-25 Grad. Habe mir das schöne Muster vom "Her-Scarf" schon abgespeichert. Gefällt mir sehr gut.
    Gruß Sybille

  3. It is so hot outside! Stay cool.

  4. That's so cute! They have such distinct personalities.

  5. Stay cool! Those dogs are so cute, and such different personalties.
