Sunday, July 16, 2006

A friend has a birthday coming up ...

... so you have to drop everything else and start knitting a special gift! Right? Well, that's what I did. The above is a picture of the gift, but I can't show it in full yet. I've asked her what her favorite colors are and she said yellow, orange and dark red. I was very happy because I had this mohair blend in my stash!

Here are the socks I'm working on. They will be for my husband. As you can see, I'm knitting both simultaneous, so I can remember what I did. I'm knitting until the start of the gusset before changing to the second sock.

My favorite project is this blanket I'm knitting for my daughter. She's chosen three of the colors. She seems to like teal a lot right now. I've added the bright blue to freshen things up a little.

On the right is the first finished square. As you can see I'm not especially good in picking up stitches, but I'm not obsessive about it. I'm more interested in the end result and how it will look.

I've almost finished the forth square, but couldn't wait to show you what I'm working on right now.

Of course don't forget that there is also the courthouse step blanket floating around somewhere, but I haven't touched it in a while. Still, it will be done also, just not sure when.

There are so many sock patterns I'd like to try and I have so much gorgeous yarn for them it's hard not to cast on. My to do list is a mile long. Sigh!

I almost forgot to mention: Abi made a wonderful summer top and is nice enough to give us the pattern for free! Have a lock at Abiknits .


  1. Sali Monika!

    Erstmal DANKE für deine Besuche in meinem Blog und die lieben Kommentare!

    Die Decken, die DU strickst, sind der Wahnsinn! So etwas habe ich bis jetzt nur genäht gesehen ....

    Ich werde in Zukunft regelmässig bei dir vorbeischauen!

    Liebe Grüsse aus der Schweiz - ZiZi

  2. Wow. I really love the way your squares are looking - it's going to be a great blanket!
