Sunday, July 09, 2006

Done and ready to go!

Another Birthday gift gets crossed of my list. I will not know if they fit well until September though. Doesn't matter. Now back to the never ending garter stitch border. Only two more sides to go.......


  1. Your socks look great! Very nice.

    Now if I could only get my latest pair finished!

  2. Great job on the socks, and love the wrapper/sock band! You know you're going to get all kinds of questions about that one too now don't you?

    Have fun!


  3. I got your site from WendyKnits & happy I did! Really nice socks Monika and I LOVE how you wrap them in your own label. Great idea!
    I see on your today post you have the Knitting Nature book. I just got it on Saturday & love it. Your work is really nice and very interesting to look at. Thanks Monika and happy knitting.
