Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Here's one more look at the multidirectional baby blanket with border. The original pattern doesn't call for a border, but I like it much better with one. I made it a garter stich border with two increases at the corners (YO). Although I bound off as loosly as I possibly could, it still was not loose enough, but I couldn't stand the akwardness with the three circular needles any more, so I left it as is.
corner closeup

I've got these books in the mail today! I've ordered them from Schoolhouse Press. I'm very interested in lace knitting lately and I can't wait to read those books. The last couple of nights I was reading "Knitter's Almanac" by Elizabeth Zimmermann, boy was she as serious knitter! She was thinking about stuff I wouldn't have bothered with but I like her style and even though I'll never knit a sweater in the round, I like reading about it. Her writing is very entertaining. So, I've ordered more books by her. As usually I can't wait to get them.

The other book I've read was "Knitting Patterns" by Mary Thomas and would you believe it, it was not boring at all. The more I knit and expand my knowledge about knitting, the more I understand the "gooble-di-gook" of knitting (as my son calls it). The last book I looked through (before I fell asleep) was "Lavish Lace" by Carol Rasmussen Nobel & Cheryl Potter. A nice book, but nothing to get too exited about. So now you know, what I'll be doing the following nights, with my new books on the night stand! ;o)


  1. I do just love your baby blanket. I think I told you that I'm on the MD knitting list, and I do have the book as well. I just really don't like the author's tone, or way of writing directions. I guess I'm impatient and want to just get started knitting not doing exercises. If she gave the basic method, I think I'd be fine, but instead it's all about knit x pm, yo, knit x. I MUCH prefer EZ's style! I have all of her books, and I just know that you are going to love them! They're all very readable, and have some wonderful ideas, and ways of thinking of projects.

  2. Hallo Monika,
    hast Du schon wieder neue Bücher???
    Das Sockenbuch habe ich auch, sind schöne Modelle drin. Das gelbe und blaue Buch habe ich bei Amazon auch schon gesehen, aber noch nicht bestellt, da sie mir etwas zu teuer waren. Oder lohnt sich die Anschaffung?

    Gruß Sybille
