Saturday, April 15, 2006

Dresser Scarf

This is the Dresser Scarf. The pattern came from

I used up one ball already and will need all six of them. Of course it doesn't say much right now. We'll see what it looks like after blocking! The color is pretty accurate.

And here is the progress report of the BB: 17 squares to go. How this yarn ever got in my possession, I'll never know. It must have been temporary insanity. It's so not like me. I don't like Baby Pastells.

Happy Easter!


  1. Hi Monika,

    I have been trying to email you back over and over again; it keeps bouncing back! Can you try emailing me again and then I can get you my address?

  2. Hi Monika! Thanks for visiting and the lovely compliments! Come back any time!

    Lovely knitting here too!
