I've cut the first slice when it was still hot, that's why the molten chocolate chips smudged the cake. I used fresh Cranberries, I just love the sour taste combined with the sweetness.
Even with one cup of butter, and fresh fruits, this was a rather dry cake. If I would make this one again though, I would leave out all chocolate, and double the amount of Cranberries.

I did tell the boys to smell the cake, so I could get them into the picture. Of course Denny bullied Happy aside, and got a lick in. Ah well....

This is what Denny does, when he's spending time in my son's room, while Happy is having alone time with me. During his stay there, he whines, and yodels non stop. My son has developed an eye twitch. After he was released, Denny stayed by my side for the rest of the day. Can't get close enough. That's me sitting on the sofa, with Denny's head on my leg.

And here's what I've spun in October.

I've got my knitting mojo back, and I've cast on with some of my handspun yarn. That's all I needed to get me going again. :o)
Now I have to decide, which sock design will be my November socks. I thought I'd it all worked out, but changed my mind again. I'd like to get the yarn and needles ready, to cast on as soon as the current project is done.
Heat's still OFF. Lovely wooly handknits are unpacked, and pulled on, and keeping me warm. The temperatures in the house hold steady at 13C. Yesterday morning, we had first frost. The grass was white, and the ground on top frozen for a few hours. Not a single snow flake so far though. The trees, and bushes are letting go of their leaves now. It sounds like it's raining, but it's not.