So, out came the sewing machine and since I like all kinds of bags, I was looking for a project bag pattern. I found one too! It's called the Two Kates project bag, and I could not stop at one!

It was so much fun sewing them. The only regret I had was, that I used fabric from my very old stash (some are a little newer), still left over from my patchwork and quilting days. I still have lots of left over. They all have a different fabric on the inside, but they are not really reversable, but very roomy. I like them, because they are not drawstring bags, although I like those too.

If you are shaking your heads, thinking, "What's she going to do with all those project bags?", I'm telling you. I'm going to give them away as gift bags. No contest though, I'm going to decide as the mood strikes me. Coincidentally, April is the anniversary of my blogging life. I've started blogging three years ago! I would have stopped several times during that time, would it not have been for YOU, my readers, and especially those, who leave comments on a regular basis. Thank you all very much!

(for some reason this yarn was VERY hard to photograph, it was not the colores, but my camera wouldn't focus right)
This weekend I grabbed the dye pot again, and decided to give the yarn cake dyeing technique another try. I DO really like the results I'm getting. It's just a time consuming thing to do, and I think I'm done now for a while. Here you see what I call "Mountain Lake" and "Key Lime" sock yarn. I've already cast on for socks with one colorway. It took me a long time to find a stitch pattern for it. I hope it works out like I want it too.

(our front yard has no color so far, the tulips are just peeking out, and you can see the "bloody toes socks" in progress, as I call them)
The other colorway will be Bea's socks again. I like the pattern that much. :o) It's going to be available for free in German and in English as well, as soon as the test knitting is done. Bea, correct me if I'm wrong! You can find instructions on this dyeing technique in Bea's blog post.
Now, I better get back to work, so I'll get to the fun part sooner.
The bags look terrific. For some reason the sewing thing never really caught on for me. I can "see" possibilities for yarn all day long, but not fabric. Go figure.
Happy Blogiversary!
Hallo Monika!
Ich hab noch ungefähr 400 Schilling in 10 Groschenmünzen in einem Gurkenglas und war auch zu sentimental um sie einzutauschen. Außerdem alle Münzen und Scheine bis 100 Schilling. Für die höheren Scheine war es mir dann doch zu teuer nur für einen Spleen...
PS: Ein paar 10 Groschen tät ich abgeben, falls dein Sohn mag...
Love the bags, Monika! So cute. And happy blogiversary. I am so glad you didn't stop. You are such an inspiration. And your designs are lovely.
Hi Monika!
The bags are really beautiful. I loved the sheep stamp.
Happy blogiversary.
Renata S. P.
Hi Monika! Happy Blogiversary! The bags are beautiful and the yarn looks very pretty! Beautiful colors!
I love all those cotton reels arranged by colour!!!
what an interesting baggy! You have some wonderful fabrics, the one with the rainbows takes me back, I had a pencil case with almost the same rainbow on it and it also reminds me of the tv show rainbow I used to watch :)
I love how there's NO SNOW at your house :( now its muddy dog season huh, ahhhh can't wait for my house to become a sandpit :)
Love how deep your red dyeing came out, mine always turns out too much on the pink side, can't wait to see your sock progress.
I love the 'bloody toes' socks. What a great name. We're bare of snow too, but you're forecast to get a whole lot today.
Oh I'm so glad to see your sewing projects!! When you said you got your machine out you didnt say you went wild!!! GOOD FOR YOU!! Lovely colors, very fun and functional!
Oh, I wasn't shaking my head, I was just thinking how delightful all those bags are! What a great pattern! Thanks for the link :^)
The yarn is gorgeous, cheerful colours.
Happy Blogiversary!
What a great pattern! I went and downloaded it immediately. A girl can never have too many project bags.
Happy Blogiversary! And I'm glad you have not stopped blogging - how else would I get inspired by all the wonderful projects and links you share with us.
Love the Two Kates Project bags! I think I'll dust off my sewing machine :)
Happy third bloggiversary! I celebrate my third this month too! I think I've been reading 'Smoking Hot Needles' since just about the beginning.
Love the bags & beautifully dyed yarn!
fabulous! you have always been an inspiration to me, personally. (and no, i'm not sucking up)
i always am excited to see what you've got in store for us every time i see you've updated.
The bags look very roomy and nice to hang over your arm while you are knitting. I also like the yarn. Bloody toes. Interesting choice, but very fitting.
I kept some Dutch coins for my children. They are too young to remember our old guilders and I thougt it would be nice to save some for them.
I love the bags!!! They look really nice, especially the rainbow coloured and the one with the animals.
Your yarn looks great too.
And of course I wish you happy blogiversary!!! I hope you keep on writing.....
Hi there, love checking out your blog and seeing what you have created, think I'll have a go a those bags, as I have some quilting stash just sitting there, would be good to get my machine out and make something for me and my friends.
The bags all look great! I was briefly inspired to get sewing but the tension on my machine is giving me grief ... oh well, I guess it's a sign that the sock I recently finished wants a mate - lol
All your pretty threads and project bags make me smile :) So too it makes me smile that David is sentimental, given I'm the sentimental type myself.
Three years ~ what a lot of fun projects, inspiration, and beauty you have shared over the years! Thank you for taking the time to share with us :)
Bloody toes...I love it!!
The bags are gorgeous, too. I've never been able to get into sewing, either. I have a machine and I've tried a few times, but it's never stuck.
Happy blogiversary! Wow, you have been busy! Your bags look wonderful, especially the one with sheeps. Thanks for a link, I have to ask my mother to sew me one. And your yarns are beautiful as always.
Happy Blogiversary! We are all glad you decided to stay because you have so much to offer.
Your roomy bags are BEAUTIFUL. My favorite one is the one on top in the last picture on the page. I heart that one!
Not that I'm nosing up on it or anything.
Happy Blogiversary!
Your dying and sewing is so inspirational. I keep looking longingly at my sewing machine...just might have to dig it out now.
Springtime is truly the best time of the year.
Those are beautiful bags. I really like the one with the sheep, cows etc and the one with that looks like paint all smeared around. Gorgeous
Well you DID get out the machine! Your bags are bright and beautiful - thanks for the link :-)
Cool dye job too (I've never heard of that method of dyeing - thanks again for another great link!)can't wait to see your sock!
Happy three years! Three years is a long time to be blogging. I totally get the wanting to stop but having great readers to keep going for. The bags look fun to make and they must be quick! I might have to check out the dying technique you're using.
The little project bags are nice. They look especially well designed for pulling out a strand of yarn.
Happy blogiversary! I need to do something to celebrate mine too.
die Taschen sind ja super - herzlichen Dank für den Link. Dein Garn ist ja auch wunderschön....
liebe Grüsse
Deine Taschen sind wirklich toll! Mein absoluter Favorit ist die gestreifte. Der Stoff sieht aus wie die Dirndl-Schürze von Oma :)
sehr stylish!
lg - Gila
... auch noch mit ein paar Schilling- und Groschen-Münzen im Gurkenglas...
Happy Blogiversary! This will be my third year blogging, too!
I was inspired by you to do some yarn cake dyeing this weekend too, I need to take pictures of the results. Yours turned out better!
da hat's dich aber schwer überkommen mit der Näherei ;)
Das Ergebnis ist toll, ich bin nur ein wenig am Grübeln, ob eine Tasche mit so einem breiten Henkel gut in der Hand liegt.
Ich könnte sie mir jetzt eher gut als Utensilo fürs Bad vorstellen oder so. Oder einfach zum Hinstellen. Weniger zum Mitnehmen. Ist es auch so gedacht oder täusche ich mich?
Deine Rotfärbung ist schön geworden.
Grüßle, die Bea
Hey, die Taschen sind ein echter Hingucker. Ich suche die ganze Zeit nach einer neuen Wolltasche... das ist es.
LG Susi
The bags are gorgeous & I love them. You are so creative - knit, dye & now you even sew!
Thanks for blogging! I really enjoy your photos , your knitting (and now, sewing) and your puppies.
Margie in Maryland
If Spring cleaning leads to more creativity I am all for it!
Happy blogiversary!!
They are so gorgeous, your bags. I love the one with the animals. Well done dear!
You are so amazingly creative!
And I'm glad you've kept up with the blogging. Your blog is one of my very favorites.
I love the bags. Thanks for the link I've already downloaded the pattern. I've been looking for something to get me back into sewing.
I'll have to check out the cake dyeing technique. I recently purchased several skeins of undyed Trekking for dyeing and some undyed merino last year that is just marinating in the stash. Yours turned out beautifully.
The bags are amazing! Such a plethora of vibrant colors!! Awesome!! My favorite is the green sheep & cow (assuming I have to pick a favorite... LOL!!)
HEY! You have green things sprouting in your yard!! We just got 4 inches of new snow - waaaaah!!! Nice sock yarn BTW! :o)
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