As soon as I realized my mistake, I lost all drive to finish him, but Hannah said, Harry is cute, and I should finish and love him. He has his own charm, with his lop-sides head and his drunken stance, but with a winning smile, don't you think? And he can stand on his own! It was a delicate balance to give him legs and as you can see above, with no arms, he had that balance. After he got his dressing gown, the balance was somewhat off, hence the dorky pose.
Somehow he reminds me more of a Kiwi bird, then a hedgehog, but that's O.K. I'm not a doll making expert, and never will be. At first I thought I'll make another one, this time correct, but I don't feel like sewing tiny pieces together, right now. And one other thing, better not spoken off too loud, because there was a fatality in the making of Hibernating Harry. Ever wonder where he's got his eyes from? ;o)
I hope I don't come down with something. I sure could use a hot water bottle right now and a cuppa tea!
P.S. Hannah also suggested making him a wig. ;o)
So cute! My pup would be trying to claim that as a chew toy.
too freaking cute!!
They are so cute. I saw one hedgie knit like the one on the left in hot neon colors! Both are fun. Great job!
Oh my - Harry is so cute - I LOVE his bath robe and is that a teeny hot water bottle he's holding??? If you hadn't said anything - no one would have known about Harry's little problems!
Harry is adorable! He has his own personality. I think you did a great job on him because he has his own special appeal.
Harry is darling! They both rae, really. I do like the bath robe quite a bit. :)
way cute!
Hallo Monika,
Harry ist der Hammer!! Ich brech´ hier zusammen vor Lachen: Der Bademantel und die Wärmflasche! Genial - mir fehlen einfach die Worte....
Bis bald und LG Heike
Ach sind das zwei süsse Kerlchen!
Da hat sich die Mühe aber echt gelohnt!!!!
Liebe Grüsse - ZiZi
Ich lach mich schlapp! Dein Harry ist und sein Freund sind Dir super gelungen. Die vielen kleinen Details sind allerliebst. Super Arbeit!!
Awww...what a cutie. Toys are so fiddly to knit, but the finished item is worth it.
Even though he is fat and balding we still love him :). Very cute.
He is adorable!!! The both are!!
Harry is a hunk! Drunk looking and everything!
He's totally cute! Looks like a college professor!
Very cute...I give you lots of credit for following through and finishing him...I would be turned off by all that sewing. He turned out just great!
happy knitting :)
Too cute!! You look like an expert to me.
Oh my! Those guys are just so cute! I wish I had the patience to knit up so many little pieces and put them together. You did great!
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